the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Fair Lawn NJ, the timeline for demolishing the old Nabisco plant in Fair Lawn is still up in the air ,but the fate of the project planned to replace it may finally be decided on Monday night.
Since the planned implosion of the Nabisco plant was called off in early May, new details of how the developer plans to tear down the building have been few and far between. East Brunswick-based Greek Development, the site’s current owner, announced on May 8 that the final demolition would proceed using “an alternative method” that would not involve explosives , after nearby residents concerned about the potential release of asbestos and other contaminants into the air.
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What is your professional opinion?
– Tear it down.
– Tear it down?
If your sills were shot and your timbers was okay, I’d say fix her up.
If your timbers were shot and sills was okay, I’d say fix her up.
But your sills are shot and your timbers are shot.
So I say, don’t throw good money after bad.
Tear it down.
Good day.
I send my bill to your office.
At least I did the right thing, they inspected, and they found a lot of asbestos, and lead paint on everything. Someone try to pull a fast one.