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Development of the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Area


Bid Notice-RFP for N. Walnut St. Redevelopment Area


Proposals will be received by the Village of Ridgewood, in the Level 4 Courtroom, at the Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey, and will be opened on Monday, December 1, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. prevailing time for: 

“Request for Proposals and Qualifications

for the 

Development of the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Area

Village of Ridgewood Bergen County, New Jersey”

The Village of Ridgewood is seeking proposals from qualified firms to redevelop certain parcels in the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Area in conformance with the Village’s adopted Redevelopment Plan. 

The RFP package may be obtained from the Office of the Village Manager, Level 5, Village Hall, 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450, (201) 670-5500, extension No. 203. Proposal packages may be examined or picked up in person between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., at 131 North Maple Avenue, Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450, Monday through Friday. Prospective respondents requesting that proposal documents be mailed to them shall be responsible for providing their own postage/delivery service remuneration. No proposal forms shall be given out after 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26, 2014. 

Proposals may be submitted in person or by mail prior to the proposal opening, addressed to the Office of the Village Clerk. The Village assumes no responsibility for loss or non-delivery of any proposal sent to it prior to the date and time stated for receipt of proposals. 

Each proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope with the name of the respondent thereon and endorsed, “Request for Proposals and Qualifications for the Development of the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Area, Village of Ridgewood, Bergen County, New Jersey”. 

All respondents shall present satisfactory evidence of being authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey. All respondents shall also provide a copy of their New Jersey Business Registration Certificate with their proposal. Additional requirements for submittal are presented in the RFP. All respondents shall adhere to the requirements presented in the “Request for Proposals”. The Village of Ridgewood reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informality or to accept a proposal, which in its judgment best serves the interest of the Village.

8 thoughts on “Development of the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Area

  1. Hopefully the proposals submitted will answer many questions our planners were seeking.

    A bright future is In store for the future.

  2. Frankly, I’m terrified. Bolger owns a fair amount of that area.

  3. Why be terrified, the area looks totally run down Mr. Bolger can only improve it.

  4. Stay out of the sum Dom its making more nuts then yous have been in other posts

  5. The only hope is that these project that the present Council are seeking get staled long enough so that we can vote them out of office.

  6. This is a done deal with Kensington Assisted Living. Why even have a charade of accepting sealed bids?

  7. Ha ! That’s right! Throw da bums out !!!!

  8. While we are concerned about these projects we are missing what going on with friends of the Council and the right of way in Glen Rock. Look at the closed session at tonight meeting. I guess it pay to campaign for the election of a certain council member.

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