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Did Ridgewood Board of Education Members Carry on Budget Discussions in Secret ?


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to Saurabh Dani Ridgewood BOE members circumvented the quorum to discuss Ridgewood School budget in secret .

In the Facebook Group “It Takes Ridgewood Village”  Dani asked , “Do you wonder why Ridgewood board of education trustees had no questions during the budget presentation? I wondered about that and asked for meeting logs.

It appears that the board members met with the admins to discuss the details of upcoming budget in rotation for several hours between Feb 4th and Feb 7th. These meetings did not have quorum, but they were designed to circumvent the quorum where different board members met with the administration to discuss same topic on same days in batches of 1-2.”

Dani asked the board trustees if this was designed to avoid questions at the public meeting, and here is the official response:

“Every year Board trustees meet as individuals or with one other trustee to preview the budget planning and assumptions that will become the budget recommendation to the BOE. This is an opportunity for trustees to ask questions and review the line by line budget assumptions, including impacts on personnel and projections for staff retirements/breakages. Any budget discussions of a quorum of the board or budget votes take place at public meetings. This does not circumvent OPMA or the rules of a quorum.”

4 thoughts on “Did Ridgewood Board of Education Members Carry on Budget Discussions in Secret ?

  1. They each Chair committees and actively participate in budget development on that level. The budget presentation is for the public. Are you that fucking stupid to not realize that??

  2. How is this guy so clueless about a job he says he wants? Woe be to Ridgewood when his self-professed voting block puts him on the board. Between him and Kaufman it will be the blind leading the deaf. We certainly get the government we deserve.

  3. Would you be shocked if that’s true. Please stop. There are many meetings throughout the village on a day-to-day that they are in secret.

  4. Public fund discussions need to be done with transparency.

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