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Donors start backing Josh Gottheimer of Wyckoff as potential Garrett challenger for Congress


ABC News Photo

MAY 4, 2015, 5:37 PM    LAST UPDATED: MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015, 5:39 PM

Top veterans of the Clinton and Obama administrations are lining up to help raise money for Josh Gottheimer of Wyckoff, a former speech writer for President Clinton who is preparing to run for Congress next year against Rep. Scott Garrett.

Gottheimer, 40, raised more than $219,000 in March and was set to add to that on Monday night at a fund-raiser at the Washington, D.C., home in of Patti Solis Doyle, a former adviser to then-first lady Hillary Clinton and to President Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012.

Other names among the 28 hosts for the fund-raiser include Mack McLarty, who was President Clinton’s chief of staff; Julius Genachowski, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission; Sandy Berger, former national security adviser to Clinton; Paul Begala, Clinton political strategist and media commentator; and Jennifer Palmieri, communications director of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

The outpouring of support for a challenger is unprecedented this early in the campaign cycle in the Republican-leaning 5th District, a place Democrats in North Jersey have repeatedly said they could win if a candidate could raise enough money to define Garrett on New York television.

Gottheimer is a North Caldwell native who moved back to North Jersey with his family three years ago. A corporate strategist for Microsoft, he previously worked for the FCC and on the presidential campaigns of John Kerry in 2004 and Hillary Clinton in 2008.

17 thoughts on “Donors start backing Josh Gottheimer of Wyckoff as potential Garrett challenger for Congress

  1. Josh Gottheimer serves as FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski’s strategic advisor on a wide range of policy and legal matters with particular responsibility over the legislative, communications, intergovernmental affairs, and public liaison functions of the agency. He also focuses on steps the FCC can take – including considering the recommendations in the National Broadband Plan – to help the FCC build a 21st century communications infrastructure the country needs to compete and win in the global economy.

    Mr. Gottheimer served previously as Executive Vice President, Worldwide at Burson-Marsteller, a global communications firm; Director of Strategic Communications at Ford Motor Company, where he oversaw corporate advertising; Senior Advisor to the United States Commission on Civil Rights; Special Assistant to the President and Presidential Speechwriter to President Bill Clinton; and Deputy Director of Speechwriting and Senior Policy Advisor to the John Kerry for President Campaign.

  2. Pin on Gottheimer the FCC’s recently announced Internet rules, demonstrated to be a blatant regulatory overreach.

    1. and a blatant attempt to squelch free speech and dissent

  3. His resume contains nothing but talk and spin. And, oh yes, responsibility for the awful course the FCC is on that will kill the Internet, the only thing in this country that works even half way well. Not only the over regulation of broad band, but the giveaway of DNS to authoritarian regimes. No wonder the Clinton/Obama cabal are pushing him.

  4. Talk and spin, indeed. Has he ever had a job outside of Advertising or PR?

  5. Did Gottheimer pen any of the following memorable utterances by Herr Schlickmeister?

    “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.”

    “I need to get back to the work of the American people.”

    “Indeed I did have a relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that was not proper. In fact, it was wrong.”

  6. Looks like a cakewalk for the Sussex hermit… once again, Bergen county will have no reps from Bergen county…

  7. Hermit…? Is Congressman Garrett hiding from you, P.S.? He wasn’t hiding from a certain comfortably-seated member of the Ridgewood Historical Preservation Board when the Congressman’s 4th of July vehicle temporarily stopped in parade traffic and he was treated to a disgraceful 10-minute stream of ad hominum attacks. By any chance was it thee who delivered the noted soliloquy?

  8. yeah , debating on some farm radio station or at 6am on a saturday, avoiding his opponents, which is his MO. Gotta hide to keep these Xmas tree farm subsidies for the family… and no it wasn’t me… I wouldn’t pull a moronic disrespectful stunt like that even though I think he’s useless except to his red state butt buddies who feed at the federal trough like the pigs that they are…

    1. when you win by landslides perhaps talking to the people is not such a bad idea

  9. Yeah, exactly… but he had to dip into the war chest the last time around… but if the dems run damaged goods yet again he’s safe in his Sussex lair…why is he afraid to debate in prime time?

    1. thats what the war chest is for , btw winning consistent landslides would imply the voters like what he is doing

  10. But, what is he doing? Nothing for Bergen County… a debate that voters could actually hear on the radio or a start time about noon would be nice…. but let’s face it, he has a cakewalk…

    1. you need to read other news sources than the bergen record

  11. Okay, what should I read… where has he delivered the goods to Bergen?

  12. Marge Roukema won that seat about 62 times….Sussex Hermit will do the same.

  13. P.S., what we have traditionally referred to as “Congress” is gone. Regular Order and committee work on important bills have ended. Annual budgeting, which depends on regular order and smoothly functioning committees, has been absent since 2009, leaving us with Continuing Resolutions interspersed with shutdown threats and *zero* power remaining in the “power of the purse” constitutionally committed since 1788 to the federal lower house to the absolute exclusion of the federal upper house and the federal executive and judicial branches. The Senate, for its part, morphed or shrunk itself into a glorified House of Representatives (without the purse power) when the Majority Leader at the time employed the nuclear option and eliminated the 60 vote minimum rule to achieve cloture during the judicial nominee approval process, so that now, all that is required is the approval of a mere majority of Senate members to secure an up-or-down floor vote on the nominee. And here you are bemoaning a supposed lack of Bergen-centric beneficial achievements by your Representative? Garrett is smart enough to know that he is merely retaining: 1) a title, and 2) a salary, in something that used to be a legislative body, things that *could* possibly give him a beneficial role to play in case the people of this country find they want their Congress back. In the meantime he tends to expend what political capital he has at his disposal at any given time in an effort to preserve what little legitimate legislative structure the House of Representatives has left in the wake of the many internal and the innumerable external depredations visited upon it since mid- to late-2008. Candidates from the other party, when elected to Congress, tend to do nothing other than hurry the day when all vestiges of our republican form of government have disappeared from the landscape of civil society.

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