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DOUBLE STANDARD: Khizr Khan Receives 50x More Coverage Than Pat Smith on ABC, CBS, NBC


By Geoffrey Dickens | August 1, 2016 | 5:36 PM EDT

Two weeks ago at the Republican National Convention (RNC) a grieving mother blasted Hillary Clinton for the debacle of the 2012 Benghazi attack. Last Thursday, at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), grieving parents gave a speech criticizing Donald Trump for his statements against Muslims.

While all the grieving parents deserve sympathy, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening and morning shows seemed to only care about the parents that showed up at the Democratic Convention. Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazla’s DNC appearance earned 55 minutes, 13 seconds of Big Three network coverage, nearly 50 times more than Pat Smith, whose RNC speech honoring her son earned just 70 seconds of airtime.

11 thoughts on “DOUBLE STANDARD: Khizr Khan Receives 50x More Coverage Than Pat Smith on ABC, CBS, NBC

  1. It was all about the message.

    Smith was angry and called Clibton a liar. It wasn’t about her son the hero as much as she really hates Hillary. And the 8-9 Bengazi investigations were over.

    Khan talked about muslims and immigrants being patriotic Americans and making sacrifices. Arlington is home to patriots of all faiths and from all countries.

  2. The Khans are partisans who worked for the Clintons and didn’t mind using their fallen son as a backdrop for an attack on Trump. Clinton lied to Smith and the families of the Bengazi victims, as well as the American public. I don’t remember Trump saying to the Bengazi committee that a bunch of guys watched a movie, got pissed off and killed 4 Americans.

  3. I am sympathetic to many of Trump’s arguments but let’s get real here.

    Team Clinton baited Trump, they laid out a nice big trap that could be seen from miles out. A trap that any sentient adult, let alone politician running for the highest office in the land, would wisely avoid.

    But Trump voluntarily walked straight into it. Team Clinton probably cannot stop high fiving each other as their carefully laid out trap worked way way waaay better than intended.

    This would have been a non-issue if Trump had behaved like a mature adult and not a ADD afflicted chump who has to respond (and respond terribly) to any provocation waved in front of him.

    Team Clinton have wanted to make this about Trump’s temperament and not about any policies. They just succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, thanks to Trump. He took 3 minutes of a flop DNC and made it an instant success.

    1. not sure trump walked into anything , most voters feel differently than the main stream media, the media is in the habit of giving 1/2 the story

  4. Has khizr khan denounced terrorists anywhere in any interview / speech?

  5. James – 8:31 here again. I can tell you of many on the fence Republicans who were reluctantly inching towards Trump who are horrified by his response.

    This is not about the content, about who that father is or what his beliefs are. The pocket constitution, calling out Trump etc etc were all carefully choreographed by Team Clinton to provoke Trump.

    One of the 15 possible responses from Trump (not that he needed to respond at all) could have been – I have said nothing against patriotic Muslim citizens. They are actually the ones I want to protect by not letting ISIS sympathizers in. Anyway, Mr. Khan should blame Hillary for sending his son to die in Iraq. ‘
    That btw is what he said, after saying some nonsense first.

    Why did he feel the need to respond to a 3 minute set piece by a non-political non-entity? He is running for President!!

    The answer is because he is easily baited by certain kind of language. Let us place blame where it is due. Trump was riding a high. He was up in polls. DNC was mostly a flop. Clinton was on the ropes with the emails and everything.

    This is a totally unforced error. Hillary baited him and he fell for it hook, line and sinker.

  6. 6:51 – Khan called Trump a demagogue who did not know the constitution and had sacrificed nothing. We have all seen it by now, you know!

  7. 9:02. Khan is a Gold Star Parent. He talked about his son and his ultimate sacrifice. How his son is the type of person that trump wants to keep out. trump the chicken hawk with 5 deferments during Viet Nam. Too busy sacrificing while spending dad’s money.

    Not Khan’s job to denounce terrorists, praise putin or call global warming a hoax.

    1. sorry Hillary was in favor of the war , Trump was ALWAYS against it , as for “sacrifcing ” my uncle was in both Peal Harbor and the battle of Midway and he never used his service to condem anyone or attack one in his life , Kahn’s kid may have been a hero but Khan has made himeself nothing more than a DNC propagandist . The rest of your DNC no sequirors talking points are irrelevant

  8. The DNC cleaverly orchestrated a challange to gain ground in polls, used a Clinton supporter, Khizr Kahn willingly to personally and powerfully incite Trump, playing on his temperment, expecting him to respond with rebukes.
    Next challenge, Warren Buffet challenges (baits) Trump to show his tax returns, and he’ll show him his.
    Pres. Obama calls Trump “unfit” urges GOP to abandon him. This is getting out of hand. This politics of this campaign is beyond ugly, and probably will get worse.
    Attorney Kahn, was associated with Hogan, Hartson and Lovells law firm Washington DC, reportedly has ties to the Clinton Foundation. Link:
    Khizr Kahn’s website.
    Areas of practice, E2 Treaty Investors, EB5 Investments & Related Immigration Services. E-2 and EB-5 are two visa categories.

  9. That’s the modern day picture of the Devil Incarnate. & Pure evil on earth,
    We need to crush these criminals.

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