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Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies on COVID-19 Origins and U.S. Response

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former top infectious disease official in the U.S., appeared before a House subcommittee to testify about the origins of COVID-19 and the government’s response to the pandemic. This marks Fauci’s first public testimony since he left government service in 2022. His testimony followed two days of closed-door sessions in January.

Key Takeaways from the Testimony

1. Ongoing Debate Over COVID-19 Origins: A prior U.S. intelligence report found insufficient evidence to definitively determine whether COVID-19 emerged naturally or from a laboratory. During his testimony, Fauci rejected allegations that he attempted to downplay the lab origin theory. He emphasized that he has always kept an open mind regarding the virus’s origins.

2. Funding and Research Allegations: Fauci firmly denied claims that his agency funded research that could have led to the evolution of a virus into COVID-19. He clarified that while his agency supported scientific research, it did not engage in or fund activities that would create a new, more dangerous virus.

3. Focus on EcoHealth Alliance: A significant portion of the testimony centered on EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization that received funding from the U.S. government and collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, where COVID-19 was first detected. The Biden administration suspended grants to EcoHealth Alliance last month due to compliance and reporting failures. This decision underscores the ongoing scrutiny of organizations involved in international virology research.

Fauci’s testimony aimed to address various concerns and clarify misconceptions about the origins of COVID-19 and the nature of U.S. funded research. As the investigation continues, these discussions are crucial for shaping future public health policies and ensuring transparency in scientific research.


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3 thoughts on “Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies on COVID-19 Origins and U.S. Response

  1. So …under oath the truth comes out about all of the lies he put forth … 6 ft distancing; mask wearing; school closures; mandatory vaccines, etc.

    All the truths that were VISCOIUSLY ATTACKED at the time; All the people who were fired and/or canceled are proven correct … by Fauci’s own testimony.

    Too bad we have a corrupt legal system in the USA these days, or Fauci would be jailed and all those who were RUINED by speaking the truth would be vindicated and compensated.

    1. In the psychology of con-ology we call this “cooling the mark out.” Eventually the truth must out, and in order for the marks to save face and temper their anger at having been conned, they need to be “cooled out.” The American public — really the public of the whole god forsaken world — were the marks; they got got, big time. Now it’s time to cool them out so they don’t do something rash. They’ll now be permitted to throw a few symbolic tomatoes at Fauci, et al. and having satisfied their rage they’ll move on. But the damage cannot be undone.

  2. Back to basics if you’re sick, please stay home. Don’t go to work. When you cough and sneeze, cover your mouth with your arm, and wash your hands common sense.

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