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Drill Instructors at the Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute are offering modified recruit workouts

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office invites to to , “Let’s get moving!” The drill instructors at the Bergen County Law & Public Safety Institute are offering modified recruit workouts that can be done in your home. Tune into Facebook Live @bcponj Monday morning at 7:30 AM. The workout will be suitable for anyone, including beginners, so join us Monday morning as we get into a routine to stay strong and healthy!



4 thoughts on “Drill Instructors at the Bergen County Law and Public Safety Institute are offering modified recruit workouts

  1. JAMES

    Sporradically getting this error:

    Error 543
    The origin web server is not available

    Sometimes when linking to pages, sometimes to posts, sometimes to replys.

    It is sporradic and inconsistent.
    Is this a know problem you are working on with the blog or is it just on my end?

    1. traffic is over leading the server

  2. So funny, these guys are trying to justify their outrageous salaries and benefits by doing the square root of jack.

  3. I are obviously smarter than you to be able to get outrageous salaries & benefits while doing the square root of jack. Obviously you chose the wrong profession. Bad decision on your part. Suck it up butter cup.

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