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Efforts to Keep Trump off NJ’s 2020 Ballot Democrats Disenfranchises Voters ,is Unconstitutional and Hypocritical


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ , Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-26) released the following statement in light of yesterday’s State Senate passage of legislation (S-119) that would require candidates for President and Vice President to release their tax returns in order to appear on the ballot in New Jersey.

Sen. Pennacchio attempted to amend the bill on the floor to include all candidates for Governor, State Senate, and General Assembly. In a clear rebuke of transparency, the majority party chose to block his commonsense amendment.

“Blocking my amendment was the height of hypocrisy. Clearly, their bill is nothing more than a thinly-veiled political stunt to keep President Trump off the ballot. It shows that they are unwilling to hold themselves to the same standard. I highly doubt that the Senate Majority would have done this if a Democrat was in the Oval Office.

“Frankly, this bill is probably unconstitutional. It sends a message that states can tamper with the ballot in any way that pleases the majority party politically, and taxpayers will be the ones who pay the price when this ends up in court. This is a very slippery slope.

“Partisan politicians should not pick and choose who gets to run for office. Every citizen who cares about their community and their country should have the right to stand up and serve. In my opinion, President Trump certainly fits that bill.”

S-119 would require all candidates for President or Vice President of the United States to release their five most recent federal income tax returns in order to appear on the ballot in New Jersey. The bill, which passed the Senate on Feb. 21, would also prohibit New Jersey’s Electoral College electors from voting for candidates who failed to file income tax returns.

“This is not the first time we have seen New Jersey Democrats play politics with our elections. Look at the recent redistricting fiasco, or the ‘Booker Bill’ they just passed to allow a sitting United States Senator to run for two offices at the same time. It’s shameful,” Pennacchio added.

“Politicians around the country are calling for fairer elections, but in our state, Democrats would rather play politics and rig the system. I hope that the people of New Jersey will hold them accountable the next time they go to the polls.”

10 thoughts on “Efforts to Keep Trump off NJ’s 2020 Ballot Democrats Disenfranchises Voters ,is Unconstitutional and Hypocritical

  1. I didn’t think crap like this could happen here, but only in places like Venezuela, Russia, Iran, etc.

  2. The democrats might want to focus on jerzey once in a while

  3. Welcome to the 3rd world

  4. People you better hope Trump gets back in. Because the rest of these forget it. What a circus. Do you see Hillary be running, and maybe Oprah. OK talk later.

  5. I guess Al Sharpton won’t be on either.

  6. If not showing his taxes will keep him off the ballot, great. I am hoping it is because another candidate steps up to the plate. challenges him and wins.

    1. Booker , Menendez and Murphy will also need to show there taxes

  7. Like it will matter.. the dopes in NJ will vote for anything with a D by their name.

  8. That old bag wienburg sponsored this bill. Same old bag that stole 2 billion from the gas tax that was supposed to fix “crumbling infrastructure ” and earmarks it for the failed nj transit light rail extension to englewood in her district

  9. There all a bunch of fucking scum bags that continue to waste tax dollars on bullshit like this…How much longer people do think this nonsense is going to be tolerated?

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