With the start of leaf season and the winter season fast approaching – Village Crews are asking all residents for their assistance for this program to be successful.
On RECYCLING and BULK days please place containers on your property and not directly in the street.
When possible please DO NOT PARK CARS IN THE STREET on scheduled leaf collection dates so that piles can effectively be pushed and picked up safely.
A reminder that leaves are to be placed directly in the street no more than 7 days prior to your collection date.
No leaves are to be placed within 10 feet from any catch basin. Updates will be posted when necessary.
When will Ridgewood start using modern technology to collect leaves?
What do you expect? an “app’ to pick up leaves? Seriously what a dumb comment you had to make.
Hey #2 – How about trying the leaf vac trucks with remote control in the driver’s cab that enables one man operation of the entire unit. If we had a few of these in operation, we could collect leaves in 2 shifts with the same number of employees. What a dumb ass comment you made.
Sweeper woke me up at 4:30 this morning!!!
Hey #3, keep posting it shows what a dope you are.
The leave vac trucks have no cubic volume compared to the dump trucks.
They would only be used for this leaf pickup for one month a year then PARKED.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars per truck wasted on vehicles used 1 month per year which would be millions in total in order to accomodate your dumb idea.
The dump trucks are used 12 months of the year for other duties.
But thats too much for you to comprehend.
So yes. you made a stupid comment.
Glad to hear the sweeper was out doing its job. Now what about the cars parked all nite on the street blocking the sweeper from doing its job? The sweeper should call the PD and tow these vehicles.
Asking people not to leave there cars in the street is not going to happen overnight parking seems to be the norm in the village.
So whats the point of the overnite parking ordinance? Why isn’t it enforced?
The overnight parking is enforced, but there are so many reasons for exception, and permission, is granted for 5 nights instead of 3 at the drop of a hat. There is no provision for removal of the vehicle if it’s I the way of leaf collection so the po-po can only write a ticket and move on, the vehicle stays behind and remains in the way of the workers who collect leaves.
#9 i can name a half dozen streets with cars left in the street for no good reason and they are mostly the same cars night after night. This tells me that if the police are patrolling then they are too lazy to write the ticket.
before you post that you should check with central dispatch or the cops to see if the car has permission ( which is available by telephone) if it doesn’t have permission report it and the cops will ticket it .
The all nite parking should be enforced without residents having to call in each and every vehicle. Who is awake at 2am to make the call? When I go to bed at 11pm and see the same car parked out on the street at 630am when I wake up, its too late to call and there are NEVER tickets issued. EVER.
This town is starting to look like crap. Whats next? Chairs in the street to ‘save’ parking spaces for the people who shovel them out?
this great . I’m glad people are seeing all the car’s parked in the road. this year is the worst I ever seen it. don’t cry if it snow’s and the plows plow you in. and what about all the can’s too in the road. why are other people on my block putting can’s in the road.what are they thinking of. how can the crew’s do the job if we let them park and put can’s in the road. some one please stop this. when the wind blows the can’s are all over the place.
to # 3 yes that would help,but do you know how many trucks like that the village would have to buy. a bunch. and for a 2’nd shit. what are smoking. what about when i look out my window and see people blowing leaves on top of my water basin, wake up jerks.
wake up.
the town is going (has gone?) to shit with or without the overnight parking…
Parking permission is granted for NO reason. Nobody asks. If you call every nite, you are not ticketed and can park 365 days per year. The ordinance is a joke. If the readers here contacted the council via email or letter and stated their concerns, then maybe some action could be taken to write an ordinance that can be enforced. Unless your driveway is being repaved, there is no reason to park in the street.
ok they park it in the road. but move it by 5am out of the road. the village needs to do the service for all of us. they sweep, push leaves, pick up leaves, plow, and salt all the roads in town. water dept has pipes in the road, now what if a town tree fall’s on a car, now what.
Lease the specialized vehicles for the season; don’t buy them.
There was a brief mention at a recent Village Council meeting about a need to revise the overnight parking ordinance. The specifics should be discussed within a few weeks.
#18, in principle your suggestion to lease makes sense. The only problem is the leasing company would need to ‘keep the vehicles busy’ the other 11 months of the year, so our lease payments would be astronomical. THeres no way to get specialized equipment cheap.