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Fifteen Teenagers From Mount Carmel Parish Travel to the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis

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photos courtesy of OLMC

the satff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, sent fifteen teenagers and three adults from the parish to Indianapolis with other parishes from the Archdiocese for the National Catholic Youth Conference or NCYC!

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The National Catholic Youth Conference, frequently referred to as NCYC, is a three-day event for Roman Catholic youth. NCYC is held in U.S. cities every two years and organized in part by the host diocese of the city. The conference is organized by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. During the conference, there is music, prayer, workshops, liturgy, and opportunities to participate in the Sacrament of Penance, otherwise known as Reconciliation or Confession.

Pope Francis became the first pope to address those in attendance at NCYC!

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