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First Snow Fall of the Season for Bergen County

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photos courtesy of Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, the  first dusting of the season and its a bit wet and slippery out there this morning , leave extra time for your morning commute . Paramus DPW Salt trucks were working over night and the farther  north you go in the county the more snow you see.


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14 thoughts on “First Snow Fall of the Season for Bergen County

  1. shoots the shit out of the global warming paranoia

  2. I’m glad my lawn was all cleaned up no leaves .

  3. I note that, as usual, the fallen leaves reman piled in the streets while the first snow falls. Same as last year, and the year before, and the ………..

    1. Then bag them

      1. OK, so I’ll fix it.

        I note that, as usual, the fallen leaves reman piled in the streets (in piles or in bags) while the first snow falls. Same as last year, and the year before, and the ………..

      2. if you live in the lawns and have no trees thats easy for you to say

        1. I have no trees, I get all the neighbors leaves that blow all over everyone else’s lawn, because some lazy people with big maple tree never rake theirs hoping leaves blow away, don’t care. Some landscapers always leave big piles in street an they blow all over. I pay a landscaper all season, and to clean up, as some others do. Their big maple tree roots is lifting their sidewalk, and people trip.

    2. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

  4. I burned all my leaves this year.

    1. I recall the wonderful smells on those fall afternoons many years ago………………..

  5. I burned all my leaves this year. More. Snow this week , love it.

  6. There’s more leaves on the roads this year then last year. Why ?

    1. Need to PRIVATIZE the DPW. Only solution.

  7. My leaves were all collected quickly this year, I believe the town did a great job this year. Thank you from Wellington!

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