October 12,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood Nj, Garrett campaign manager Sarah Neibart has issued the following statement:
“It’s not surprising that Josh Gottheimer continues to lie to the people of New Jersey and the media. The truth is Scott Garrett’s position has been consistent from the beginning. On Saturday, he denounced Donald Trump’s reprehensible comments and said he believes in Mike Pence. He has always believed that [Democratic nominee] Hillary Clinton is not the candidate whose leadership and policies are right for America. Donald Trump remains the nominee of the Republican Party, and Rep. Garrett has always said he will vote for the Republican Party nominee. Scott Garrett’s top priority in this election is stopping the Clinton-Gottheimer agenda of higher taxes, more wasteful spending, and weak national security policy.”
In a previous statement, Garrett said ,”Donald Trump’s comments are inexcusable. I am appalled that he would brag about violating a woman’s physical boundaries. As a husband and father of two daughters, I denounce his comments and the behavior that it incites. I believe that Mike Pence would be the best nominee for the Republican Party to defeat Hillary Clinton.”
The quote confused some , Garrett a tradition conservative, like Mike Pence and Trump being well Trump , a phenomenon . The quote gave rise to the idea that Garret may have joined some GOP turncoats , who were looking for an excuse to support Hillary Clinton . After all , if Trump gets elected the gravy train for many in Washington will ground to a halt, but Garrett’s campaign manager Sarah Neibart put that to rest , “Scott Garrett’s top priority in this election is stopping the Clinton-Gottheimer agenda of higher taxes, more wasteful spending, and weak national security policy”
Stop more wasteful spending … please tell me 1 bill just 1 that Scott Garrett coauthored to stop wasteful spending. Has he tried to reform corporate tax laws? I think Scott Garrett’s top priority list is what he gives lip service to during elections. Weak national security policy? So under Bush 43 we were attacked on 9/11 and we responded by going into Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11. That isn’t being strong. Taking over a country and making a mess of other people’s lives was never what America was about, and going into Iraq did not make us safer.
139, there are 100’s of Bills; you really need to get informed ,the PATH act to stop fed agency bail outs , the Choice Act to repeal much of Dodd-Frank and get rid of the CFPB (the CFPB has just been ruled unconstitutional), Bailout Prevention Act to stop bank bailouts . Garrett voted against both Katrina aid and Sandy aid because they would become a boondoggle and they did . I could go on all day , his nick name on capitol hill is Dr.No. Because the local NJ media never covers Garrett at all does not mean he does nothing it mean they suck . If you search Garrett on this blog you will see 100’s of bills and actions to save taxpayers money .
733, which of those bills became law? (Representatives are always introducing bills to show off to folks back home.) When your bill becomes law, it means you actually accomplished something.
James – 1:39 does not want to be informed. 1:39 is a knee-jerk uninformed low information individual.
I’m all FOR wasteful spending. That’s why I’m voting for Josh.
Sometimes you have to choose to make decisions either in the real world we live in, or in the world we would like to have. Rep. Garrett seems to believe in the latter, refusing to participate in programs that would bring federal tax dollars into his district. Thats fine for him and his supporters but we need to keep in mind that these programs haven’t gone away and the dollars we pay in taxes go elsewhere. That is why our district, which is in the top 3% in taxes paid to Washington, is in the bottom 3% for dollars received. In other terms, NJ as a whole receives 67 cents for every dollar going to the federal government while our district gets back a little less than half that-33 cents. So while I do to some extent believe in doing away with many of these programs, I do not want to be subsidizing the rest of the country until/if those changes occur.
and Garrett votes NO on all them