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George Washington Bridge Lanes Reopened After “Bridge Climber” Incident


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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fort Lee NJ, on Saturday the George Washington Bridge experienced significant traffic disruptions after a person climbed one of the towers on the New York side. The lanes that were closed due to this incident have now reopened, but traffic remains heavily congested.

At 11:36 a.m., an individual climbed the south tower of the bridge, prompting a swift response from the Port Authority Police. The person, whose identity has not been disclosed, was safely removed and transported to a hospital for evaluation.

The man surrendered without incident several hours later and was taken to Columbia Presbyterian where he is currently being evaluated.

Traffic delays started to mount before noon and were initially just 30-minute delays, but the delays quickly grew to more than 90 minutes at the peak — on both the upper and lower levels. The police activity required the closure of the lane adjacent to the south sidewalk.

Fort Lee Police said the borough experienced heavy traffic due to an incident at the George Washington Bridge with delays of over 1.5 hours on the GWB.

Fort Lee Police were assigned to multiple traffic posts throughout the Borough, in an effort to mitigate the traffic problem .
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2 thoughts on “George Washington Bridge Lanes Reopened After “Bridge Climber” Incident

  1. You know what I would’ve let the guy climb the top, let him jump off, we need to entertainment

  2. GWB lanes closed…. time to go after the governor.

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