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Glen Rock icon, John “John’s Boy” Porco, who passed away on April 8th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock icon, John “John’s Boy” Porco, who passed away on April 8th. He was the owner of John’s Boy Pizzeria.

“The Glen Rock Police Department is saddened to learn of the passing of our friend and Glen Rock icon, John “John’s Boy” Porco, who passed away on April 8th.
John Boy, as he was known to everyone, opened John’s Boy Pizzeria in the Rock Road Central Business District in 1983 and quickly became a beloved part of the Glen Rock Community.
The men and women of the GRPD extend our deepest condolences to Francesca, Patrizia, and Umberto, and the rest of the Porco family, in their time of loss.”

6 thoughts on “Glen Rock icon, John “John’s Boy” Porco, who passed away on April 8th

  1. A real nice man. He owned John’s in Norwood back in the day.

  2. Nice man and family.

  3. Good guy. He was nice to everyone.
    Every time I walked through the door, he would say cumba’

  4. John had a good heart, was a nice businessman. We will miss him.

  5. He was the BEST! Loved supporting his business! Rvery lady was “BELLA” and he said it from the heart!

  6. Rest in peace Johnny boy?

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