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Glen Rock Mayor Says He Shares Your Frustration with Rock Road ,Road Work


the staffof the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock Mayor comments on Rock Road and Maple Ave road work ,”Please know that, for whatever it is worth, I share the frustration of residents who found it difficult or impossible to get to Rock Road at any time over the past few days while the milling was being done.
I was told that there would be access at all times though it might be difficult. My wife had to go to Fair Lawn to get to a Bank of America.
I find this unacceptable and can only assure you that I’m doing whatever I can to help the situation going forward and have asked the Borough employees who are coordinating the effort to help in our efforts to make this better going forward.”

Just in case you did not receive the Borough email (please sign up at, see below for more info regarding the upcoming road work:

As most Residents are now aware, PA Contractors is currently working with the County of Bergen and Glen Rock Police Department to remove and replace the concrete sidewalk ramps within the entire lengths of Rock Road and Maple Avenue in order to meet barrier-free requirements and the latest ADA Code (Americans with Disabilities), and prepare for the upcoming Asphalt Resurfacing.
Complete updates on this project can be found on our website here.

The milling and paving of these roads will occur on the following schedule:
Rock Road:
Milling – July 25th to 30th, 2019
Paving – July 31st to August 2nd, 2019
Maple Avenue:
Milling – August 5th to 8th, 2019
Paving – August 9th to 12th, 2019
Please allow extra time for travel as delays may occur.

While milling and paving are being done in the area of the Central Business District and Resident Commuter Parking areas (July 25th to August 2nd) access to parking will generally be available. However, it is recommended that motorists leave home early, expect delays and plan alternate routes. Detours will be posted and the County is paying to have four police officers present for work zone safety.

During this period of time residents and employees WITH PERMITS will be permitted to park in the Wilde Park lot for the day, only during the dates of the road work. Permits must be displayed on their vehicles. This is being provided on a convenience, but most likely will not be necessary.

The Borough of Glen Rock

4 thoughts on “Glen Rock Mayor Says He Shares Your Frustration with Rock Road ,Road Work

  1. Lighten up Francis…
    Couple of days of inconvenience and you get a new road so relax.
    And who the hell actually goes to a bank branch anyway?
    Get with the program pal…

  2. please run for mayor of honest communication that is not self promoting .rare and
    getting much rarer here..

  3. …and we care what the Glen Rock mayor thinks because ???

  4. anon

    he sounds like a real leader and seems to communicate
    openly not barking down apon the little people who pay the piper

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