photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Glen Rock NJ, A uniformed Glen Rock Police Patrol Officer is assigned to monitor a peaceful weekday protest being regularly conducted by a man who claims his child was abused at a local day care center.
Is any more information available? This fellow looks a little old to have a day care-age child. On the upside, at least he’s not wearing vaguely European clothing and asking directions to the nearest grade school.
What on earth justifies having a police patrol assigned the monitor this guy? Unless there has been any evidence of violence or some other kind of breach of the peace, I simply cannot understand under what circumstances this was ordered.
I feel very sad about child abuse
We live in nanny towns usa….police insert themselves into
too many day to day issues..they should be patrolling for the drug addicts and porch Wranglers..theft of us mail is a federal crime and the beginning of the slide into the abyss of Newark and Paterson who plan to tour our new drug dealing center on Hudson street once the monolith to stupidity is built,
Shouldn’t police investigate this case instead of just monitoring the vigil?
Does not look like a situation requiring police presence.
This is the most likely scenario.
Someone at the place calls the police and says that there’s a crazy guy outside, and that they feel “threatened/unsafe” by his presence. Police have no option but to put one of their resources on the scene.
I agree with the prior commenter and I would have called the police also. There have been so many tragic incidents over the past several years that it is only prudent to be cautious. The police’s questions for this man after who he is and where he lives should be, “What happened? Was your child harmed? Have you contacted the school officials about this, do you need to file a complaint?” Maybe something happened and he did complain in an appropriate forum and his issues were not addressed or ignored; maybe, and likely something is just wrong about this situation.