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Glen Rock Police Officers Free Trapped Baby Deer

Screenshot 2024 05 30 4.56.12 AM e1717059908759

screen shot courtesy of Glen Rock Police

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, it’s not every day that you get called to assist a baby deer stuck in a fence. Hopefully this little one made it safely back to its Mama! Glen Rock Police officers reunite a baby deer with it mother after freeing the deer who was trapped in a fence.

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7 thoughts on “Glen Rock Police Officers Free Trapped Baby Deer

  1. Yeah, another great job by Glen Rock’s finest. This time they allowed a disease spreading, landscape ruining animal go free after it caught itself.

    1. Manhandled fawn might be rejected by mother. So ya kin pipe down, Squaller.

      1. I see someone’s getting Lyme disease in their holiday stocking this year.

    2. What is wrong with you?

      1. Maybe spray a little Windex on that mirror, Mr. Ridgewood.

  2. Don’t they have a animal control officer.

  3. GRPD good with deer, no so good with hoopsters with guns ?

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