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UPDATE: Glen Rock Teens Go On Post Graduation Rampage

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock Police report dozens of marauding teenagers who gathered in Glen Rock the night after graduation destroyed the high school’s panther statue, knocked over chairs  and damaged planters.

Beginning at 3 a.m. Friday and continuing through dawn, large groups of youths, as many as 100, gathered in different parts of the borough.

Police said NJ Transit was approached for assistance Friday to stop train traffic on the Bergen County line at one point because of a large gathering on the tracks.

A spokesperson for NJ Transit said train service was not disrupted by the incident.

In a letter to parents , Glen Rock High School Principal Michael Parent  said,  “quite a few community members and students have informed us that this disgraceful act was committed by our own students.”

The Glen Rock Police Department is currently investigating the criminal mischief and theft that occurred at the Glen Rock High School on June 25th. Anybody who has information regarding this matter is asked to contact D/Sgt. James Calaski via email at Thank you for your assistance.

8 thoughts on “UPDATE: Glen Rock Teens Go On Post Graduation Rampage

  1. Presumably these kids were seniors so there’s not much you can do to punish them.

  2. The youth of today (some of them) have figured out there are ZERO consequences for activity like this.

  3. I hope the police find these kids and charge them. They have to learn that actions have come sequences. Perhaps losing their College acceptances will do the trick. Apparently, all that those participation trophies has shown them is that they can get away with anything. It has to stop.

  4. Regardless of whether these kids were seniors or not they need to be charged and learn that being stupid is no excuse for destroying property. We need to stop making excuses. You commit a crime you better be ready to pay the consequences.

  5. “Presumably these kids were seniors so there’s not much you can do to punish them”

    Notification to their college admissions officer and/ or coach , pulling their acceptance, academic or athletic scholarship should do the trick.

  6. I hope they find these little jerks and when they do so send them to the schools community service around the schools clean up. Probably a bunch of lazy punks

  7. Ha!
    Too funny.
    You liberals created this environment and raised your little
    pricks to act just like this and they act out and NOW you want repercussions?
    Yea right…

  8. Liberal thinking not working .

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