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Gottheimer Group ,Democratic Problem Solvers Caucus Meets with the President


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Wyckoff NJ, Democratic Members of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus Representatives Josh Gottheimer, Thomas Suozzi, Vincente Gonzalez, Anthony Brindisi, Dean Phillips, Max Rose, and Abigail Spanberger met at the White House to sit down with President Trump in the Situation Room regarding the shutdown. Entering the meeting, the Members released the following statement:

“Over the last weeks, we have been listening to our constituents and speaking with our fellow Members of Congress — in both parties and in both chambers. There is strong agreement across the aisle and around the country: We must reopen the government.  Our security, safety, and economy have been compromised, and millions of families are suffering.

“There is also strong agreement that if we reopen the government, the possibility exists to work together and find common ground to tackle some of our country’s toughest problems and fix them. But that conversation can only begin in earnest once the government is reopened. We accepted the White House’s invitation to meet today to convey that message.”

4 thoughts on “Gottheimer Group ,Democratic Problem Solvers Caucus Meets with the President

  1. Nancy Pelosi butt boy.

  2. josh quoted in ny times Shutdown of govt

    The president remained silent on Twitter for much of Wednesday, and Democrats who met with Mr. Trump said they found him to be in a congenial mood. “It was productive and constructive,” said Representative Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, one of seven Democrats who attended the meetin

  3. “Democratic Problem Solvers Caucus”
    By definition, this should be an empty caucus.

  4. Carpetbaggin’ Josh will do anything to build his resume. As a product of the Clinton Machine, he needs more props to further embed himself into a permanent democrat fixture in Congress.

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