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Governor Comes Clean on Cost of State Raises

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

May 9,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, while you been buy on the local election campaign Governor Murphy just handed out a nice payback to the unions that got him elected .Governor Phil Murphy said at the time he doesn’t know the cost to taxpayers of raises he gave to 35,000 New Jersey state workers, members of a union that supported his candidacy.

Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi  said , “Maybe these raises are warranted, maybe they aren’t, but how could our Governor authorize them without having some idea of what they would cost the taxpayers of New Jersey???
P.S. it’s over $148 million ”

UPDATE: Below please find today’s press release from the Governor’s office which discusses preliminary increased costs of $149 million.
State of New Jersey
Murphy Administration Releases Total State Cost of Contract Settlement with the Communication Workers of America, AFL-CIO
Trenton – Today, the Murphy Administration released the total projected state cost of its recent contract settlement with the Communication Workers of America, AFL-CIO:
The total projected state cost of the contract is approximately $148.9 million.
Of this total, $78 million is related to the unprecedented suspension of step increments and clothing allowances by the Christie Administration dating back to FY 2016.
A fiscal year breakdown of the projected costs may be found below. Retroactive payouts for FY 2016 and FY 2017 are assumed in the Fiscal Year 2018 adjusted appropriation:
FY Payout Total
FY16 Retro $24.0 million
FY17 Retro $34.7 million
FY18 Retro $41.4 million
FY 19 Projected $48.8 million
Grand Total $148.9 million
Because of the duration of the retroactivity and the details of the contract negotiations, final totals will not be available until programming is completed.

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