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Graydon Pool will be closed completely on August 24th, and August 30th through September 3rd

Opening day at Graydon in Ridgewood for 2017

photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, due to the fact that there is a lack of lifeguards, certain areas of Graydon Pool must be closed for safety reasons, from now through Labor Day.  The kiddie pool area and shallow end will be open first, but unless there are sufficient lifeguards, the deep end will not be open.  Currently, Graydon Pool will be closed completely on August 24th, and August 30th through September 3rd.  Part of this is due to the fact that Ridgewood High School will be starting classes on September 1st, which is prior to Labor Day.  This has not happened since the 2015-2016 school year.  As stated above, we are hoping that there are certified waterfront lifeguards in the area who are willing to work at Graydon Pool for these days, so that we may keep the pool open every day through Labor Day.

19 thoughts on “Graydon Pool will be closed completely on August 24th, and August 30th through September 3rd

  1. Huh ?

    How could the pool be closed on Labor Day weekend…?

  2. This is not generous unemployment benefits causing a shortage. All across the state there are employee shortages. Every supermarket and retail store have signage for employment opportunities. The manager at Tjmaxx was on the phone talking about staffing up for the upcoming holidays. He believed that his advantage was that people really liked working at Tjmaxx. Money was not discussed.

    When my kids were in high school working at Graydon was a prized summer job. Where are the high school/college life guards? Lots of Facebook posts about kids offering to do yard work, babysitting and mini camps. It seems like they want to control their hours and terms of employment rather then be handed a schedule by the manager.

  3. Did Parks & Rec have trouble finding day camp counselors this summer?

  4. Yes, day camp counselors were in short supply too.

  5. Out of curiousity, what IS the pay for a lifeguard at Graydon?

  6. Ha this is what people have wanted and what people have voted for. An overall decline in work ethic has been going on for sometime – “free everything” and this is what happens. I am happy to see people getting what they deserve.

  7. O well, go down the shore.

  8. “Ha this is what people have wanted and what people have voted for. An overall decline in work ethic has been going on for sometime – “free everything” and this is what happens”

    No, this is one of those “free market, laissez-faire” situations- they aren’t getting paid a fair wage, so there are a shortage of workers. Supply and demand.

    Work ethic does not mean being ok with not being paid a fair wage. Lifeguard is a stressful job with serious legal liability issues….just because young people are hired doesn’t mean they don’t deserve fair pay.

  9. We all wonder what the pay is. Because you’re a lot of responsibility on your hands. My son works in Burger King making $17 an hour to walk in the door part time. And no responsibility of watching little kids. The biggest responsibility he has is Don’t touch the hot oil in the fryer.

  10. Dems are still paying people to stay home. How is this a surprise to anyone?

  11. “No, this is one of those “free market, laissez-faire” situations- they aren’t getting paid a fair wage, so there are a shortage of workers. Supply and demand.

    Work ethic does not mean being ok with not being paid a fair wage. Lifeguard is a stressful job with serious legal liability issues….just because young people are hired doesn’t mean they don’t deserve fair pay.”

    I did it. I lifeguarded in high school/college. Actually it was one of the jobs I had. I worked at Ridgewood Y for years making between $6.25 and 8.00. It wasn’t about living wage. High schoolers don’t need a living wage, so throw that argument out the window. They need to work and learn work ethic. Why all the sudden has everyone decided they need a “living wage” for high schoolers? What are they doing alternatively? Just not working?

  12. Is Sleepy Joe managing Grayden Pool this summer..?

  13. This is a real shame because like God should be paid an extremely fair wage maybe 20 bucks an hour. I’m not sure I’m not a lifeguard. I know if I had a pool in my backyard and I was having a party I would hire a lifeguard and pay them at least that if not more it’s worth it. Who needs the liability anymore.

  14. “High schoolers don’t need a living wage, so throw that argument out the window. ”

    No, I don’t think I will. If a high schooler can do the same job as an adult, they should get paid the same as an adult.

    “I did it. I lifeguarded in high school/college. Actually it was one of the jobs I had. I worked at Ridgewood Y for years making between $6.25 and 8.00.”

    I’m going to guess that either a) this was some time ago b) you were lucky enough to have wealthy parents to support you c) you were too stupid or naive to realize your worth or d) all the above.

    “They need to work and learn work ethic. Why all the sudden has everyone decided they need a “living wage” for high schoolers? What are they doing alternatively? Just not working?”

    No, they’re seeking other alternatives than working for less than they’re worth. A valuable lesson for young people entering the work force is to understand market forces. As an old person myself, I’m impressed.

  15. These jobs were never meant to be paid so much. Summer and part time work for kids has disappeared. No surprise the lack of work ethic. Not the kids fault

  16. Its not responsibility or a “living wage”
    Its an attitude of doing the least work possible with the least responsibility possible and get paid.

    This is NOT how to build character and prepare for life.

  17. They need to pay them a fair salary.
    Come on now it’s 2021. Show them the money. If not shut the pool down

  18. Does anybody know what the average pay rate is for a lifeguard in New Jersey. That’s what we should go by. The village has the money. They have a big responsibility on their hands, and they been properly trained. Look what a babysitter gets. Same thing

  19. Fire Nancy Bigios

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