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Hawthorne Police : If, you leave your keys in the car, consider filling it with angry bees to surprise the car thief

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 the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ , according to Hawthorne Police ,four cars have been stolen from retail parking lots in town in the last month. Two in the last 12 hours. Couple of points:

DO NOT leave your car running to grab coffee.
DO NOT leave your keys in the car.
DO NOT leave valuables in the car.
Hawthorne Police suggest : If, against our advice, you leave your keys in the car, consider filling it with angry bees to surprise the car thief.

4 thoughts on “Hawthorne Police : If, you leave your keys in the car, consider filling it with angry bees to surprise the car thief

  1. “Hawthorne Police suggest : If, against our advice, you leave your keys in the car, consider filling it with angry bees to surprise the car thief.”

    And you know what? Somebody (will believe it and) will do that and have a thief who is allergic to bee stings, and then there will be a lawsuit.

  2. Is this for real? Did the police really say this?

  3. nobody has a sense of humor anymore.
    One of the main things wrong with the world today.

  4. instead of bees would could put all the people who leave their keys / keyfobs in the their cars in jail for insurance fraud

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