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Head of Sayreville Democratic Party Charged with Accepting Bribes

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Will Democrat Immunity Hold ?

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Sayreville NJ, Middlesex County Prosecutor Yolanda Ciccone announced today that Thomas V. Pollando, the Sayreville Borough Democratic Chairman, has been arrested and charged with accepting bribes.

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Over a several week period in July and August 2022, Detectives from the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office were conducting electronic surveillance of a business in Sayreville. While conducting surveillance, detectives observed Pollando accept several thousands of dollars in cash, and state that he would attempt to use his political clout to influence an ongoing criminal case.

An investigation conducted by Sergeant Joseph Celantano and Detective Shadi Zaiton of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office determined Pollando, has influence and strong ties to the community. Pollando was a former Sayreville Borough council president, current vice-chairman of the Middlesex County Planning Board, long-time president of the Sayreville Athletic Association. Pollando also holds a seat on the Sayreville Economic & Redevelopment Authority and is currently employed with the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.

Pollando, 72, of Parlin, was subsequently arrested after leaving the business and was found in possession of the cash payment. Pollando was charged with second-degree bribery in official matters, and second-degree receipt of unlawful benefit by public servant for official behavior. Pollando was charged on a summons and released the day of the arrest.

The investigation is active and continuing. Anyone with information is asked to call Detective Zaiton of the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office at (732) 745-4263.

As is the case with all criminal defendants, the charges against Pollando are merely accusations and he is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

3 thoughts on “Head of Sayreville Democratic Party Charged with Accepting Bribes

  1. And of course, there’s never any cheating in elections.

    1. The cheating is necessary for the reason that you need to be elected in order to get bribes.

  2. Nothing to see here.
    The law allows Democrats to accept Bribes.

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