Dear Residents,
As you are likely aware, COVID-19 cases have increased across the state over the past several weeks. While we have made significant progress containing the spread of the virus, it is essential to remain vigilant and not slide backward with our efforts.
Last Thursday, the COVID-19 activity level (CALI Index) in Bergen County was elevated from “low” to “moderate.” The moderate distinction is the first time, since the initial peak, that the entire State of NJ is designated with this activity level. Yesterday, Governor Murphy provided an Updated Travel Advisory, bringing the new total to 39 states and territories.
Recent surges of cases in New Jersey have primarily been linked to indoor social gatherings. Many people assume that the younger population is considered to be “immune” or only exhibit mild symptoms if they get the virus. While that may be the case with some, it is not true for all. Additionally, COVID-19 may significantly affect family members or friends who have medical issues, causing severe illness or even death. Unfortunately, the virus can also spread from person to person while the carrier shows little or no symptoms.
Recently, we’ve seen transmissions that likely stemmed from transport in a motor vehicle. Please be advised that, while not recommended, if you travel in a car with someone outside of your household, it is essential to wear a mask and use proper ventilation. As such, we discourage carpooling at this time.
NWBRHC is actively investigating new cases and close contacts in each of the communities we have jurisdiction over. As you know, some of these new cases have affected our school communities. As a reminder, when looking at the total numbers of COVID-19 cases in each town, it is essential to remember that school district staff members (or their close contacts) may reside outside the district. Therefore, while COVID-19 case numbers in a specific town are relevant, each case requires careful and coordinated investigation among the districts, the various Health Department jurisdictions, and the positive cases themselves. It is an evolving and ongoing process.
The following websites will help track increased trends in our communities:
It is important that the entire community work together and remain cooperative with the Health Department as they continue their contact-tracing efforts. You may receive a call from the Health Department regarding being a close contact or identified as a COVID-19 positive case. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability to halt the spread of this virus.
Thank you for your continued cooperation. As always, please reach out to us with any questions. We can be reached via email at info@nwbrhc.net. Additional contact information is available on our website at nwbrhc.org.
Gina M. Behre
Health Officer for the Township of Washington
Northwest Bergen Regional Health Commission
If significant progress was made towards spreading the virus cases wouldn’t be rising. If casual use of face masks and social distancing prevented spread, cases wouldn’t be rising. In fact cases are rising in proportion to rise in testing. They are asymptomatic cases. How many hospitalizations and deaths have you had in Washington Township? Gina M. Behre won’t give you this information, but you can probably count them with one hand. This is misuse of a public office to spread fear.
Well that’s good, all towns should be doing that if the numbers go up. Let’s keep everybody informed on what’s going on. The numbers are going up not down.
More Fear Porn…
Our concern is how are they sanitizing Sanitation , and recycling, Trucks, Can you imagine viruses that are in the truck.
That’s a good point, are they taking full precautions on those crew’s. Not just Covid, viruses, bacteria, and so one .