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Health Officials Monitoring for signs of “breakthrough” Infections—ie, Infections in fully Vaccinated Individuals

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, according to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security , in order to understand the effectiveness of vaccination efforts, health officials are monitoring for signs of breakthrough” infections—ie, infections in fully vaccinated individuals—which provide insight regarding both the degree of protection provided by the vaccines as well as risk factors that could affect that protection. But in order to effectively utilize these data, health officials must determine (1) what qualifies as a breakthrough infection and (2) whether they should treat all breakthrough infections equally. As we covered previously, clinical trials for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines utilized different metrics to estimate efficacy, and depending on whether you look at SARS-CoV-2 infection, symptomatic COVID-19 disease, or severe disease or death, vaccine efficacy can vary widely. An article published in The Atlantic takes a similar look at breakthrough infections.

From a strict epidemiological perspective, taken by the US CDC, any SARS-CoV-2 infection in a fully vaccinated individual is technically a breakthrough infection; however, breakthrough infections are not “synonymous with vaccine failure.” Breakthrough infections encompass a broad scope of disease severity, ranging from asymptomatic infections to severe disease and, in some instances, death. But the fraction of breakthrough infections that result in severe disease is extremely small, which is exactly what the clinical trial data illustrate. While the authorized vaccines’ efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19 disease is 90% or higher, the efficacy against severe disease is nearly 100%. Symptomatic breakthrough infections are not unexpected—nor are severe cases—but the vaccines have demonstrated their ability to drive that risk to nearly zero. In fact, the CDC has reported only 3,554 hospitalized breakthrough cases and 733 deaths out of more than 157 million fully vaccinated individuals*. Ultimately, the goal of vaccination is to prevent severe disease and death, and any additional benefit in terms of mitigating infection or transmission is a bonus. Based on the available data, it is clear that the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are excelling, and they will remain a critical tool in preventing serious disease and death around the world as vaccination efforts continue.
*Through July 6; excluding asymptomatic individuals and those whose hospitalization or death was a result of other conditions

5 thoughts on “Health Officials Monitoring for signs of “breakthrough” Infections—ie, Infections in fully Vaccinated Individuals

  1. Keep up the COVID fear porn….
    another election is coming up soon…

  2. Keep your hands clean

  3. I told you this shit was going to hit the fan again. How many you. Said this was a joke last March remember. It all started in January February and in Europe and then in March the shit hit the fan in the us ,and now look we are now over a year and a half into the shit. How many fools said oh don’t worry it’s only a virus once it gets warm it will die, oh yeah the past three days it has been 100° and the numbers are still climbing so what are you talking about. You must be smoking something that’s not fresh. How many illegals have came through the border in the past six months that are testing positive. Oh man Joe is not doing too much of a good job is he.Just like I gas’s $1.50 more.

  4. You should have the option to keep your kids home If they have a under line health condition.

  5. Man, it’s scary when “Medical Dr.”s don’t know that it’s “underlying” not “under line”. What has the medical establishment come to?

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