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Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Event in Ridgewood is Sold Out

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Bookends Bookstore and The Women’s Club of Ridgewood presents , An Evening and Conversation with Hillary Rodham Clinton  
and Chelsea Clinton.


Sunday, October 6th @ 6:00pm (Doors open 4:30)
Join us when they will be discussing their new book:
THE BOOK OF GUTSY WOMEN: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience

Advance ON-LINE Entry/Book reservations REQUIRED
One (UNSIGNED) Book Included with ticket purchase
(Note: Books WILL NOT be signed that evening)

Bookends, 211 E. Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ   07450   201-445-0726.

The Woman’s Club of Ridgewood
215 W Ridgewood Ave (3.27 mi)
Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450-3701Get Directions

Highlights info row image

(201) 444-5705

22 thoughts on “Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Event in Ridgewood is Sold Out

  1. The botox is working

  2. She’s the most successful female politician of all time. Has won more total votes than her opponent in every one of the 7 political contests she’s competed in. Including against Barack Obama in 2008.

    1. any accomplishments???

  3. Running as a Democrat in NY is like shooting fish in a barrel.

    How do you lose Wisconsin…..?

  4. Trump 2020!!

  5. Lock her up

  6. Yeah except you forget popular in less than 20% of the counties and cheated and still lost to a person who was never a politician ensure how bad america didn’t want this piece of shit

  7. Benghazi……………………………………………

  8. Thanks Cora…and were quite sure your one of the brainwashed lemmings that will be sure to line up early to get a glimpse of these 2 scumbags. How could any basically educated person fall for the crap that the Clintons have been spewing for decades? What planet are you on?

  9. Not surprising that she is sold out in Ridgewood.
    We are solidly Liberal Socialist Democrat.

  10. Get ready to hear lots of whining and complaining about why she didn’t win.
    You go girlfriend.

  11. Hey Cora – all those votes and she still lost. You have to run a really bad campaign to pull that off.

  12. Yeah, right, sure, they wrote the book.
    Still wondering how Jim Jones got them to drink the Cool-Aide?

  13. Sleaze bag.

  14. The ladies know their audience! Hey, nothing wrong with being a career politician. Or a daughter of one. I hope the talk will be about dealing with a cheating Husband, sleazy swamp and 50% of the country who hate your guts. Probably won’t though. Too risky and too human. Hilary is practically a machine at this point.

  15. She didn’t win for a reason……….

  16. The Grifters

  17. What Happened

  18. Don’t forget to keep the mysterious Black Scooby Doo campaign van/ambulance parked and idling by the curb right at the end of the long Woman’s Club canopy. This will be needed in case the erstwhile candidate and presumptive 45th POTUS collapses during the event and becomes catatonic. She can then be thrown in the sliding rear passenger door of the van like a sack of potatos (potatoes?) to facilitate a quick exit and to escape further scrutiny from the paid attendees, and from the Three Amigos (who probably won’t be paying).

  19. What Difference At This Point Does It Make?

  20. “I can’t be held responsible for every undercapitalized business in this country!” (In response to a question posed to Felonia von Pantsuit in late 1992 regarding the heavy burden small businesses were then being projected to bear in the event HillaryCare in its then-current form were to be passed into law.

  21. Who would want to see these two Mutts?

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