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Hit-and-run in Graydon South Parking Lot Leaves Two Ridgewood High School with Minor Injuries

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Two (2) female Ridgewood High School students sustained minor injuries during a hit-and-run motor vehicle crash in the Graydon South parking lot on Thursday afternoon, 02/10. Both victims were evaluated at the scene by Ridgewood EMS, Ridgewood Fire Department EMTs and refused further medical attention. The victims were able to provide a detailed description of the fleeing vehicle to investigating Ridgewood police officers.

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21 thoughts on “Hit-and-run in Graydon South Parking Lot Leaves Two Ridgewood High School with Minor Injuries

  1. Cameras at all traffic lights in that area. This won’t take too long.

  2. That’s what you think. Time will tell.

  3. As usual the media gets the whole
    Scenario wrong. Taking things out of context and making sensationalism the focus.
    Get your facts straight !!

    1. and the facts are????

      1. the facts are exactly what the opposite of what you reported. so wrong and defamatory it’s not even funny.

  4. So factually in accurate just to make a headline. It’s sad. Kids spoke to each other both girls agreed they were fine and exchanged phone numbers with the driver. I hear they actually know each other. Driver leaves. Then girls who were hit decided to call police who call driver on his phone a block away to come in.
    Journalism is dead!

  5. Simple kids new each other parties agreed everyone is ok. After driver leaves girls speak with parents who tell them to call police to report. The kids exchanged phone numbers so bs on a description of vehicle. Cop called kid on cellphone “great fake mystery hit and run solved”. Journalism lol

  6. Sad things get so distorted to make a headline

  7. Well maybe we should some signs in a parking lot 10 miles an hour. Because they fly in and out of that lot

  8. This isn’t really a news source website. More like a personal soap box that occasional has something of interest.

    1. drop the lame agenda , perhaps if you can take a break from your overblown sense of self-importance you might recognize that the important thing is the girls are OK

  9. People are incapable of handling things on their own any more.

    In the old days the parents and kids would have worked it out between themselves.

  10. If the kid was going over 10 miles an hour the girls would be in a much worse situation than “minor injuries”

  11. My name is Thomas and my brother was the driver.As soon as it happens my brother and I both immediately got out of the car and made sure they were ok. We offered to call 911 and assist them in any way we could. They both said they were ok and unharmed. At that point my brother gave his phone number to the girls and continued to ask if they were ok. They once again said they were ok then we both walked off to our vehicles. After all that we left. There were other people in the parking lot that can attest to this.

  12. It was classified by the police as a hit-and-run motor vehicle accident. Check the police report. Never leave the scene of an accident where there are injuries until the police arrive.

  13. Police report not even out yet

  14. Something smells here. Everyone to slow down

  15. Sounds like pedestrians need to be more alert and aware of their surroundings when walking through a parking lot where vehicles are driven. Too many people are on their cellphones or have earphones in their ears when walking through parking lots and crossing streets in Ridgewood, it creates a dangerous situation.
    Setting up a targeted enforcement area in town to ticket jaywalkers and other aloof lawbreaking pedestrians that don’t yield to vehicular traffic when required, would do a lot to save lives.

  16. What are the chief complaints about this post? Wording of the headline? Girls weren’t injured as was reported? Driver who is said to have been responsible for injuring girls did not leave scene as was reported? Accident as reported never happened? What’s the true beef here? Nobody’s name was mentioned in post. Nobody’s address was mentioned in the post. Nobody’s age was mentioned in the post. Can’t see anything in the photos distinguishing enough to identify except the police car, fire truck and ambulance. Why is someone so upset this story was reported? Me thinks someone is protesting too much and me wonders why. Me thinks the real issue is someone is upset the victims chose to call the police. Which makes me wonder why someone is upset the police became involved. Something to hide somebody?

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