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Hunter Biden’s work for a Ukraine gas company “cast a shadow” over Obama-era policy

joe biden hunter biden

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, Senate Republicans released a report Wednesday detailing the extensive business dealings that Hunter Biden pursued with politically connected foreign nationals while his father Joe Biden was serving as vice president in the Obama Administration.

The 87-page interim report is the product of a months-long probe in which members of the Senate Homeland Security and Finance Committees and their staff reviewed more than 45,000 pages of Obama administration records and interviewed eight witnesses, many of whom are current or former U.S. officials.

The report, from Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Two Senate Republican chairmen on Wednesday released findings from their months-long investigation into the Bidens, arguing that Hunter Biden’s work for a Ukraine gas company “cast a shadow” over Obama-era policy.

“What the Chairmen discovered during the course of this investigation is that the Obama administration knew that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine,” the GOP chairmen wrote in their report.

Two officials, George Kent, who is currently serving as deputy assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, and Amos Hochstein, a senior Obama-era State Department official — both told the committee that they raised concerns about Hunter Biden’s work and the potential conflict of interest with U.S.-Ukraine policy, according to the GOP report.

“Kent’s concerns went unaddressed, and in September 2016, he emphasized in an email to his colleagues, ‘Furthermore, the presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine,'” the report says.

In addition to Obama-era State Department policy, the GOP probe also dug into financial transactions and travel that Hunter Biden took with a Secret Service detail while his father was vice president.

7 thoughts on “Hunter Biden’s work for a Ukraine gas company “cast a shadow” over Obama-era policy

  1. Could you imagine if that was Trump’s kid. OMG. The media would be going nuts. The Bidens are a perfect example of people with money and privilege can still be “white trash.” Every American should be concerned about stuff like this. The Bidens would disgrace the White House more than the Obamas.

  2. Watched the 2-hour Frontline special on Biden and Trump the other night.

    Is this the best we got…?

  3. What’s funny is I saw a sign “2020 – any functioning adult” and right next to it was a “Biden-Harris” sign. People like this should not be allowed to vote because of their stupidity. Biden can barely form a sentence. Last week he said 200 million died from Covid. I guess stupid people stick together.

  4. Biden is clearly part of the old establishment of corrupt DC politicians. This is corruption. Getting your son a sweet high-paid gig as part of your political position. Young Biden had zero qualifications for the position. This is how corruption in politics works. Its not briefcases full of money or Swiss bank accounts. It’s exactly what took place here. Meanwhile, the Left and the MSM don’t report it, or if they do, they report that nothing untoward was discovered. At the same time, they continually push false narratives 24-7 about Trump and various linkages to bad people.

  5. He has repeatedly made that mistake about millions of people dying.

    Frontline spent some time on Biden’s stuttering problem while he was growing up. If you watch him speak, he no longer stutters but he clearly takes time to get words out of his mouth. Then I think the delay makes him anxious and he says stupid stuff. He really doesn’t have a filter.

    Also Beau was his favorite…..Hunter did not measure up to Beau in Joe’s eyes.

  6. All I know is it’s gonna be a good night I’m going to make some popcorn have a nice cold drink and enjoy. I may even throw a little party in November.

  7. #depopulation is the only solution for useless eaters, lets hope pedo politicians and elites will accomplish their final solution

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