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Inglesino takes on case of teenager suing her parents


Inglesino takes on case of teenager suing her parents

Attorney John Inglesino, a former Morris County Freeholder and close friend and ally of Gov. Chris Christie, is bankrolling the lawsuit of a teenager claiming that her mother and father threw her out of their home and cut her off financially.

Rachel Canning is suing her parents for immediate support, current private-school fees and future college tuition, according to this report. (PolitickerNJ)

Inglesino takes on case of teenager suing her parents | Politicker NJ

10 thoughts on “Inglesino takes on case of teenager suing her parents

  1. They are not legally obligated to pay for college. They will never succeed with the lawsuit. The precedent would have ramifications across the country.

    Time to get a job and grow up. The lawyer who filed this should be ashamed of himself, but then he is a lawyer.

  2. I’d pay for her college.

  3. According to a quote from the father, she wasn’t thrown out, she left, because she thought that turning 18 meant she didn’t have to obey the rules of the house.

    I don’t know what’s worse. Parents that would let it get to this point, or a kid so entitled that she thinks the world owes her a living. I saw this on a discussion board the other day but it’s a good point: her dad is a municipal cop or chief or whatever in a small Jersey town. They get their jobs through patronage, cronyism or nepotism, are paid very well for a job that requires little skill or intelligence, get Cadillac health plans and pensions unheard of in the private sector, and upon retirement they get five and six figure vacation and sick time payouts (sure there’s no fraud going on there…these iron men are never sick nor do they ever go on vacation). It is easy to see where she might have developed such a sense of entitlement.

    Regardless, this lawyer isn’t going to stop until he gets an appearance on Good Morning America.

    I can say without fear of retribution that I hate everyone involved.

  4. #3 blames this case on her father’s job as a police officer???

    Now I’ve heard everything.

    As if children whose parents are in the private sector never feel a sense of entitlement.

    Yeah, tell us how that worked out for the Kardashians, Paris Hilton, et al.

  5. I’d be willing to bet that the truth lies somewhere between the 2 stories.

  6. She moved out of the house of her own volition and she’s 18. End of story. She either needs to support herself or go home. Either way she’d better dump this family she’s living with.

  7. God number 3….

    Do you just spend all day on these blogs bashing cops. You need a life or at least a hobby. Haha

  8. As I said, this is a case of people trying to get famous. That’s all anyone wants anymore, they sure as shit don’t want to actually work…

  9. This is exactly why college funds are for children, but controlled by adults.

  10. Lets now forget about the teachers #3. They also get their jobs through patronage, cronyism & nepotism. They are paid very well for a part-time job that requires little physical effort. And they get Cadillac health plans and pensions unheard of in the private sector. Full time benefits for a part time job.

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