the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, join NASA this Saturday, Oct. 1, for International Observe the Moon Night, an annual, world-wide public event that unites people across the globe in a celebration of lunar observation, science, and exploration. International Observe the Moon Night occurs annually in September or October when the Moon is around first quarter.
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You can take part in celestial observations, connect with fellow lunar enthusiasts, and honor cultural and personal connections to the Moon from wherever you are! Here’s how:
- Host a virtual or in-person event in your community; participate in an event; or observe with your family, friends, or on your own.
- Register your participation to add yourself to the map of lunar observers worldwide.
- Share your artwork by uploading your lunar photography, Moon-themed art, and event photos to our collaborative Flickr gallery.
- Connect with lunar enthusiasts around the world and share your Moon viewing experience on social media, tagging #ObserveTheMoon.
Plus, you can learn about the latest lunar science and hear from observers around the world in this year’s International Observe the Moon Night broadcast. Tune in at 7 p.m. EDT (23:00 UTC) on Oct. 1 and see views of the Moon from telescopes around the world.