Tom Kossoff
Ridgewood NJ-I am Tom Kossoff, one of the neighbors by the fields. I am sure most of you know me by now on this issue. I wanted to say at this point we all must move beyond some of the vitriolic language and side issues. We also should come foward and go to the next BOE meeting of 2/28 and then the Village Council meeting when they discuss the Fields Committee recommendations.
Whatever your viewpoint if you only blog and do it anonymously, and then don’t participate in the open forums, I don’t see the value at this point in the discussion. We are beyond the initial hurling of rumors, insults and innuendos.The major point right now is everyone’s position on “Lights Out” for sporting events. We live in a very dense residential neighborhood where not so much the lights but the noise that is part of any game plus the limited parking will create a disruptive situation for homes adjacent to the fields.
The proposed 10:00 cut-off does not mean everything goes silent or dark at 10:00. Figure 10:30 at least until it’s dark and quiet again. So the question is what is your opinion. Sports is important but so are neighborhoods and more important the children and adults who will have their sleep disrupted by a game.
I have been involved in the sports programs since I moved to Ridgewood almost 20 years ago. I appreciate them for the kids, the adults and the community. BUT I would never be so
bold to say that my little league baseball game should be more important than the lives, health and welfare of the homes next to the field.
Games that go to 10:00 and then beyond in leaving the fields after the game will in my opinion and many others hurt the neighbors. The homes are just too close to the fields and lights. If nothing else in Ridgewood, we should protect sleep time which I think as a community we can say should be no later than 9:00. There are many good people on both sides of the issue. I look forward to seeing everyone at the 2/28 BOE meeting. State your opinion on
“Lights Out” and the quality of life for our neighborhood which in the future may be yours too. There is a Master Plan and what’s decided now for “Lights Out” here will follow into other neighborhoods, maybe yours. It’s important we then do the right thing now regarding the proposed new Fields Committee policy.