the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, Murphy’s state Treasury Department revealed on Wednesday it had lowered revenue projections by $10 billion through next year, including $2.8 billion shortfall in the current fiscal year and $7.3 billion in the next. Without a big influx of cash through borrowing or federal aid, the consequences for public workers are dire, he warned Thursday.
The state Legislature on Thursday gave its blessing to a plan pushed by the state Senate President Stephen Sweeney, D-Gloucester to partially furlough state and local government workers in New Jersey to avert the mass layoffs that may accompany a coronavirus-fueled economic crisis. Sweeney estimated furloughing a quarter, that’s 100,000 of the 400,000-person public-sector workforce through the end of July 31.
The bill heads to Gov. Phil Murphy, who has said that he’s keeping an open mind but he’s concerned about meeting the demands on government during the pandemic.
We hope the furloughs are going to go across fair and square from management right down the line. We do not want any favoritism here. That means everyone and we mean everyone will be furloughed. We do not want to hear any kind of bullshit like last time that ,oh management police ,fire ,and other So called special people. Will not get furloughed. Everyone’s replaceable. We will be keeping an ion this. Because we cannot trust certain individuals.
It’s amazing that office personnel are working partially from home ,and everything is running pretty damn smooth, pretty interesting isn’t it. Boy is that gonna open up a few people’s eyes. Do you think people are buying toilet paper before, you just wait.
@ Sheila Hero cops MUST not be furlough. These brave people keep us safe. #Backtheblue
Actually it’s the nurses and sanitation workers keeping us safe, not the cops
What the How are you smoking. The cops are not putting themselves in danger. Nowhere near the nurses doctors sanitation workers cleaning crews. Please stop your bullshit. If people keep on talking stupid I’m going to get a knuckle sandwich.
Walk in the side think about the nurses medical staff cleaning crews Sanitation recycling what They are dealing with. More than anybody else.
Jig is up for the union boys!
Let this be a warning to all the overpaid over pensioned PD, FD…read the comments here. People have had enough of the hero crap that you’ve been hiding behind for years to justify your existence.
Party’s over pals….