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UPDATE: McKenna and Mcdhedlishvilli Use Private and Confidential Ridgewood School Directory for Campaign Purposes

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Hi! It’s come to my attention that a post on your blog accuses myself and Julie Mchedlishvili of using HSA mailing lists for our tiny 400-person newsletter, and that this information has been spread on social media.

This is completely untrue. I have no access to any HSA mailing lists. The names on this 400-person list came from our gmail contact list of friends, family, and people who may have been included in joint emails in the past. One person asked to be removed from the list today, we apologized, and we quickly accommodated his request.

I would appreciate your help in keeping information on the Internet truthful and accurate. Thank you, Laura McKenna


The Staff of The Ridgewood Blog:

Ridgewood NJ, We have learned that certain candidates for the Board of Education are using confidential contact information in a school directory to send email and text blasts promoting their campaigns.

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This is absolutely against the policy written in these online directories, which states, in part:  “the information cannot be used by any person or organization which solicits or is engaged in any commercial, outside charitable, political or partisan purpose.  No one may use the information in this document for personal gain.” 

Laura McKenna and Julie Mcdhedlishvilli are sending out invitations and information about their campaigns to people who HAVE NOT SIGNED UP TO RECEIVE this information,  so shame on them.

Do we really want to elect candidates who are defying the stated HSA policies during their campaigns?


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65 thoughts on “UPDATE: McKenna and Mcdhedlishvilli Use Private and Confidential Ridgewood School Directory for Campaign Purposes

  1. They are also placing the door tags without ringing the bell. If you are at my door, at least have the courtesy to say hello and introduce yourself?

    1. Laura is said to have been recuperating from COVID. Maybe she wanted to avoid human contact.

      1. Oh, she wanted all the kids with COVID to attend school without masks and vaccines… why is she herself staying away from other humans when she has COVID?

        1. Prove that.

        2. Yes, kids being locked up to protect grandma has resulted in unfinished learning, a mental health crisis, and post- vax illness.

    2. The horror! I can’t imagine they took their own time to campaign, but may not want to disturb you in the evening. I’m sure if they disturbed you, you would tell everyone that they disturb your evening. Find something real to complain about.

    3. I have received countless door signs and voting flyers in my mailbox in the last few weeks – it’s election season- move on

      1. you are a liar! There are only two elections in November. County freeholders don’t do campaigning in Ridgewood. There has been hardly any campaigning being done by the BOE candidates. So you have NOT received countless door tags and voting flyers!

  2. This is terrible. I will never vote for these two

    1. Wow-your idea of terrible – emailing neighbors and friends for possible support for a volunteer position to help better our schools – such drama!
      I can think of a zillion other things I would categorize as terrible and this would not even make a list with over a zillion things
      Get a grip!

  3. Don’t care…all I want to know is if they can they beat Lembo ?

    1. Yes because they both have brains.

  4. most importantly what is their position on parental rights. every candid must outline their position on candidate night.

  5. Can you imagine them on the board if they are breaking rules already. No way.

    1. Because no one, Lembo, sitting on there now has ever broken the rules.

      1. Does he even live in RW?

        1. No he does not, but he used his old ridgewood address when filing for his nomination!

          1. How is that ok?? Why isn’t he horrible or terrible???

    2. Can you imagine the horror!?
      The two candidates combined have more experience and schooling in public education than EVERY person on the board presently.

    3. Lembo has never broken any rules?
      Again, hypocrites!

  6. Is it true that Laura has also sued the district and has a pending litigation against the district?

    1. If that is true, its okay to sue the district before getting elected. Once elected, she will have to withdraw the lawsuit before taking the oath.


    They will get voted in

  8. Me thinks she doth protest too much. People who are in the directory are getting the emails. And they did not ask to be on any mailing list

  9. “and people who may have been included in joint emails in the past.”

    And how were those names and email addresses obtained Laura?

  10. “One person asked to be removed from the list today, we apologized, and we quickly accommodated his request.”

    And his name was gotten how?

  11. So, let me get this straight. A friend sends you their private email list and you think it’s OK to use names and emails on that list for political campaign purposes? shame on you and shame on the friend who sent you their private list.

    1. Delete it and move on with your day. At least they are trying to make a difference.

  12. Deny, deny, deny.

  13. These two are a HARD NO for me. Anti-vax, anti-mask, anti- quarantine and anti-rules. Just look up Laura’s past BOE meeting records. Snagging school directories for there self-centered objective is no surprise.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 we see how well that all worked out

  14. VOTE DANI!

  15. Is it true that the superintendent of schools was a recipient of your email blast? And members of the Village Council? All emails sent to public officials are public so tell the truth.

  16. My neighbor has 3 children in Hawes. Both she and her husband received your newsletter. Neither has any clue as to how you obtained their emails other than to have glommed them from the HSA directory. Shame on you Laura.

  17. Laura has responded saying “I compiled a list of 400 names based on our gmail contact list of friends, family, and people who must have been on a joint email with us at one point in time”.

    Which means she did create this list without people agreeing to be subscribed for this specific campaign mailing.

  18. Laura and Julia. HARD NO

  19. Can we write in Don Delzio…? He’s fun at meetings.

  20. Laura and Julie have already demonstrated unethical behavior

    So has Lembo

    I am voting DANI

  21. Julie has also been part of Jamboree for years and she can easily use that mailing list (which is huge) for this purpose.

    1. Is there a disclaimer associated with that list?

  22. In addition to parental rights, each candidate will need to put forth a plan to fix the college process at RHS.

  23. Laura was at RHS back to school night after saying she had COVID. How nice

    1. Oh wow
      Yes she was handing out flyers

      1. That was her sister

  24. Laura -?what is a “tiny 400 person newsletter????”

  25. Bottom line – GET LEMBO OUT
    Rude, aggressive, gets personal favors, has been on probation with the police dept!
    Get Lembo OUT!!


  27. This back and forth about emails should not be the distraction to the main point

  28. Can we remember that all of the candidates are volunteers and hopefully have children and education as their top priority?
    But let’s also not forget to GET LEMBO OUT!

  29. This is disgraceful. What is happening to Ridgewood? People really need to rethink their election choices and someone needs to organize a group to investigate vote tallying. I don’t trust the genuine population of Ridgewood could have elected such stupidity to run this town. It’s like a localized version of the Clintons and Bidens. If all of this is true, then how do we report them? To the state? To the Feds? If we can find anyone/any org we can trust, then we need to do something. It’s not fair that they should be allowed to continue operating in this manner.

  30. Do not forget – get LEMBO OUT!

  31. Two things-
    -How terrible and the horror that two highly educated women are trying to better our children’s educational experience here in RPS! 😂

  32. Aside from the email distribution list…….. Yes, these are two highly educated women…… educated in EDUCATION. They are not business people, based on their frequent public comments at the BOE (only since they decided to run) they are running to do what we already pay our administration to do.

    We don’t need anymore BOE members who tie up the district pushing back in areas that are meant for the leaders.

    If these two candidates truly wanted to help the district they would apply for a position their degrees and experience qualify them for. Ed.d – is not a M.B.A. and is certainly not a M.D.

    Case in point: Please stop talking about the “national debate about reading” We get it already, you read about education a LOT. We need people who can come up with creative solutions to budget issues not creative solutions to reading problems…. leave that to the professionals we pay .

    1. That’s your opinion. Look how great we’ve done with business people at the helm. We can’t even keep a superintendent. You know what we need..people who have champion sleep late but have no kids left in the school. The dumbing down of our kids continues..oh but the science.

    2. So you want a rubber stamper like you? Who are you going to pick when there is a disagreement between superintendent and the administrators. You are too closely associated with the union and the administrators and that’s going to be a problem for the superintendent!
      Julie has been speaking at the meetings for a long time to fix issues at the high school. She doesn’t think the BOE seat is an entitlement, like you feel that.
      No more rubber stampers. We need people who can challenge the administration and get things done!

  33. Laura has already clarified that she was not against vaccines, so she’s reading this post.
    Can she clarify if she was against Masks? .. and can she clarify if she has a pending litigation with the school district?
    She cleverly skipped these two points in her post from this morning!

  34. It wasn’t Julie who sent the emails.
    Mailing list was created by Laura.
    Ignore the accent and vote for Julie. She is the real deal! You don’t need to vote for both, just because they have combined lawn signs. They are not running on a combined ticket on the ballot. Laura is also doing independent campaigning.. so vote for Julie.. she is smart and was not part of this email list creation.

    1. How rude “ignore the accent”. I guess I can see where some of the gate starts…right at home.

  35. Is it coincidence, hypocrisy or both that another candidate sent out mass amounts of emails looking for support to their “lists” NOT SOLICITED back in July?!

    1. Out that candidate too! We don’t need candidates who are using lists created using school business for political gain!

  36. Is it true that one candidate sent out emails seeking support from personal lists back in July?
    I guess it’s ok for that candidate but not others!

  37. how is use of school directory is unethical but its okay for another candidate to use Group Spot app to constantly promote her name when she is no longer a HSA member and she no longer has a right to use the group spot as a parent? In what capacity is she allowed on groupspot?

    1. That should absolutely NOT be allowed!
      She should not be allowed to use or comment on Group Spot if she is not part of HSA or a parent with students still in school!

  38. Thanks for posting this. Voting against who you endorse and voting for candidates you make up bullshit about is much easier when you do.

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