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Meeting security measures in place in Ridgewood


Meeting security measures in place in Ridgewood
Monday August 12, 2013, 11:10 AM
The Ridgewood News

A fatal shooting at a rural Pennsylvania town meeting this week has prompted the return of questions regarding safety during municipal assemblies, including those that take place in Ridgewood.

Three people were killed and four were injured when a gunman opened fire into a Ross Township (Monroe County) Supervisors meeting, according to the Associated Press. The 59-year-old shooter was apprehended on site after a town employee disarmed the man and used the weapon to shoot the suspect in the leg.

The gunman, who was expected to recover from his wounds, reportedly had a publicly known feud with the town’s Board of Supervisors, a governing body that serves in a capacity similar to Ridgewood’s Village Council.

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3 thoughts on “Meeting security measures in place in Ridgewood

  1. What’s next arming Council men with pistols. ?

    I knew of some courtroom judges that had pistols under their robes.

  2. Not in Ridgewood. The council voted for gun control.

  3. CErtainly the Developers taking over the town will be happy to put their own security force in place to protect their interests on the Council.

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