the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Glen Rock NJ, Glen Rock Police Department cautions on road work in Glen Rock and Ridgewood. Please see the following notice for upcoming milling and paving conducted by Ridgewood Water. All closures will be between approximately 7AM-5PM.
On Wednesday 11/20 and Thursday 11/21, the following will be closed for milling: Chadwick Place between Prospect Street and Tilghman Drive, in front of 521 Prospect Street (Ridgewood Water property), and Grove Street between Prospect Street and South Irving Street. The same locations will also be closed on Monday 11/25 for paving.
On Friday 11/22, Spring Avenue and South Irving Street in Ridgewood will be closed for milling. It will also be closed Tuesday 11/26 for paving.
Detours will be in place and officers will be present to assist motorists.
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So nice of Glen Rock to let us know
RIdgewood officials are asleep at the switch.
Make sure your leaves are picked up the town threw the hillcrest families leaves right back onto their property without warning. The town missed their own scheduled pick up and sent trucks to pick up the leaves and throw them back onto the residents own lawn. I hope they clean them up. This town is so missed managed. Especially the engineering and parks department. It’s really sad how stupid these people are
Anyone who has had the most superficial dealings with the Village employees tasked with the ongoing sidewalk initiative can tell you that they are, in the very least, unprofessional. The seeming ineptitude they unabashedly display must be experienced to be believed.
So true!!!
They are a joke. Where is the village manager?
Threw the leaves back on their front lawns?? Crazy.
Yep! And so crazy
We have to rely on Glen Rock to tell us. What the heck