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Mobil Cell Tower Update : Village Revenue Share


file photo Boyd Loving

Mobil Cell Tower Update : Village Revenue Share

CELL TOWER UPDATE: A review of Village Council meeting minutes dating back to 2008 may provide the answer as to why the mobile AT&T tower was brought in.

What the meeting minutes reveal is that for years, several cell phone carriers have attempted to construct a new monopole style tower on property owned by the State of NJ on Franklin Turnpike. However, indications are that Village officials objected to this location because of the State’s unwillingness to share site rental revenue with the Village. Instead, several Village owned properties in the Route 17 corridor were offered as alternatives to the State of NJ owned property. Unfortunately for the Village, there were insurmountable technical issues with each of the alternative sites.

The State’s policy has been to reject construction of cell towers on their properties when objections are made by local government officials, So, due to the objection voiced by Ridgewood officials, a new cell tower can’t be built at the NJDOT facility on Franklin Turnpike (which seems to be the only location that offers the requisite ground space, and meets all technical parameters). Thus, the current holding pattern – and unusual risk taken by AT&T to keep their system functioning (the existing AT&T shared use tower in the construction company’s yard is unable to support equipment required for 4G service).

It is believed that construction of a new tower on State owned property would result in removal of the existing tower at the construction company yard. The Village would get property tax revenue despite the tower being built on State owned property (most likely more tax revenue – the new structure would be larger).

However, the Village would not get any of the site rental revenue, and that’s what this seems to all boil down to; we want our cake, and we want to eat it to. Why do Village officials feel the State of NJ should share site rental revenue with them? Would they expect the same of any property owner? Then why the State?

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5 thoughts on “Mobil Cell Tower Update : Village Revenue Share

  1. Thanks for the details you provided here today.

  2. Maybe because the state has its ‘storage yard’ in the Village and pays no property taxes on it? ITs only fair that we get money from a cell tower on tax exempt state property.

  3. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie. Figures that it was all about money.

  4. Anonymous:

    Maybe because the state has its ‘storage yard’ in the Village and pays no property taxes on it? ITs only fair that we get money from a cell tower on tax exempt state property.

    The State does not share revenue with any other municipality.

  5. Anonymous:


    Maybe because the state has its ‘storage yard’ in the Village and pays no property taxes on it? ITs only fair that we get money from a cell tower on tax exempt state property.

    The State does not share revenue with any other municipality.

    Well screw the state then. They send all the state aid to Newark, Paterson, and the other sh$t-hole cities and we get squat.

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