the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, More than 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government’s leading expect on the virus has lost credibility and a plurality of Americans now have a negative opinion of Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 41% of American Adults now have a favorable impression of Dr. Fauci, down from 44% in August. Forty-five percent (45%) now have an unfavorable impression of Fauci, up from 42% who had a negative view of him in August. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Never had any to begin with…
I don’t think anyone with at least a high school education believed Fauci. Simple minded people worshipped this idiot.
Dr. Television Appearances Fauci is a left wing hack who loves being on television constantly contradicting himself.
There are other more qualified infectious disease doctors who have been censored because they don’t fit into the media’s lefty narrative.
What is really surprising is that a lot of lefties believe Fauci and automatically obey his recommendations that constantly change. Mask. Don’t mask. Wear two masks. Don’t mask. Masks are effective. Marks are not effective. Get a vaccine and wear a mask. Get a vaccine and don’t wear a mask. Masks you can buy at the discount pharmacy do nothing to prevent the spread of a contagion.
Yes, Fauci had said all these things.
A quack who loves being on television isn’t someone you should blindly trust your life with.