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Murphy’s Tax Rhetoric Helping Other States to Lure Residents, Jobs from NJ

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

New Jerseyans Understand “Tax Fairness” Means “Tax Increase”

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Senator Declan O’Scanlon said that Governor Phil Murphy’s continued demand for higher taxes under the guise of “tax fairness” is only helping the efforts of low- and no-tax states like Florida that are actively working to lure residents, employers, and jobs from high-tax New Jersey.

“Florida is already running compelling advertising campaigns that are targeting both families and employers in our area who are fed up with paying some of the highest tax bills in the nation,” said O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth). “The data shows that people are paying attention to those sales pitches, and they’re packing up and leaving New Jersey for more affordable places that promise a significant tax savings.”

O’Scanlon, a member of the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee, noted a recent news article highlighting one such recruitment effort run by a real estate development firm in Florida targeting the residents of New York.

The “Unhappy New Yorkers” campaign touts annual savings due to lower taxes and a reduced cost of living of more than $24,000 for someone with a $100,000 income who moves to Florida, and nearly a quarter-million dollars of savings for those with million dollar incomes.

The firm that launched that campaign has announced plans to launch a similar effort targeting New Jerseyans.

“Governor Murphy needs to realize that people are smart enough to understand that his ‘tax fairness’ rhetoric is just code for more tax increases,” said O’Scanlon. “He’s continually giving Florida free advertising, to the detriment of New Jersey.”

O’Scanlon concluded by saying it’s not a heavy lift to convince overburdened taxpayers to move when they’re constantly vilified by a Governor who doesn’t think New Jersey taxes are high enough.

“While Governor Murphy is telling New Jerseyans year after year that they’re not paying enough in taxes, Florida is saying ‘come here and keep your money.’ Who do you think is going to win that argument?”

One thought on “Murphy’s Tax Rhetoric Helping Other States to Lure Residents, Jobs from NJ

  1. just wait until these morons vote in a socialist for president….

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