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N.J. labor union president steps down pending probe into missing cash


By Susan K. Livio | NJ Advance Media for
on April 07, 2017 at 6:08 PM, updated April 07, 2017 at 8:32 PM
CWA Local 1039 President Lionel Leach stepped down Thursday union officials pursue an internal investigation into possible missing funds. (CWA 1039)

TRENTON — The president of a local chapter of the Communications Workers of America has stepped aside amid an investigation into the disappearance of money from the local’s coffers, a union representative confirmed Friday.

CWA spokesman Joshua Henne confirmed the local’s President Lionel Leach has stepped aside while the investigation continues.

“Recently, Executive Board members of CWA Local 1039 — one of CWA’s 30 local unions in New Jersey — notified the national union of allegations regarding the mismanagement of that local. CWA takes any allegation made by members very seriously,” Henne said in a statement.

One thought on “N.J. labor union president steps down pending probe into missing cash

  1. Union theft about to become an even bigger story as they start stealing from the pension plans as well

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