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N.J. lawmakers clash over plan for public-sector pensions

Senate President Sweeney_theridgewoodblog

Senate President Stephen Sweeney

Senate President Stephen Sweeney defended his proposal to constitutionally mandate billions of dollars in public-sector pension contributions on Friday from a Republican budget officer who argued that without union concessions New Jersey would go bust. Samantha Marcus, Read more

6 thoughts on “N.J. lawmakers clash over plan for public-sector pensions

  1. Man is a fool ! No constitutional amendment is needed for lazy politicians to do there jobs.

  2. Why should excessive pension payments for a small minority – public sector retirees – take precedence over spending to benefit all other residents in NJ? What you’re saying here by trying to mandate the payments is that pensions for the select few are more important than schools, roads, hospitals, mental health, state parks and beaches, etc. this is out of contrail Union thuggery holding up the state because they bought and paid for Sweeney’s sweetheart pension proposal. #nomoresweetheartdeals

  3. Interesting, why aren’t you posting this opinion piece by Phil Murphy who chaired the original Pension Benefits Review Task Force in 2005. Oh that’s right it doesn’t meet your agenda of ignoring the fact that the pension system is being raped by Pension Fund managers…..That’s why isn’t it!

  4. Sweeney is a union iron worker so it’s his solidarity with brother union members that will push the state to financial ruin

  5. To anonymous 731pm he’s not one sided he came out against reinstatement of cola increase and voted for pension reforms

  6. Oh oh, looks like the pension hogs are back from their NJ state tax avoidance schemes in Florida

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