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New Bill Allows Alcohol Sales at Small Theaters


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean’s legislation to boost support for the arts through allowing alcohol sales at small, non-profit theaters has passed the New Jersey Senate.

“This legislation will encourage more New Jerseyans to go their local theater where they can grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the show,” said Kean (R-21). “Giving small theaters the opportunity to serve alcohol opens an untapped revenue stream to support plays and performances. This will increase foot traffic and ticket sales, and bolster non-profit theater’s bottom lines across the Garden State.”

Kean’s bipartisan legislation, S-1648, would permit non-profit theaters with 50 seats or more to apply for liquor licenses.

Currently, only non-profit theaters with more than 1,000 seats are eligible to apply for a liquor license.

Kean, a longtime supporter of the arts, is a member of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He has been named a Distinguished Arts Advocate by ArtPride NJ.

Kean is also the first co-sponsor of S-247, which would increase annual State funding for the arts, historical heritage, and tourism.

“I am pleased that the New Jersey Legislature supports improving the economic viability of the arts throughout the Garden State,” added Kean. “The arts are deserving of all the support we can muster.”

2 thoughts on “New Bill Allows Alcohol Sales at Small Theaters

  1. Does that include “Little Theatre”s?

  2. Yes it does.
    Now don’t forget the ger-merman’s.
    I mean the Germans .
    I mean the bourbon.

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