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New CBS 2016 Battleground Tracker , New Hampshire puts Sanders and Trump on top



December 21,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ ,CBS 2016 Battleground Tracker came out with some interesting results  , first 70% of respondents felt America had become “More dangerous and insecure”  and that the 69% of the respondents felt the American economy is moving more toward a system that makes things harder for them. No surprise , given the weak job growth and high regulatory costs and anti business mentality of the Obama Administration , but in what I think is the big surprise is that a resounding 56% of Democrats favored Bernie Sanders .

CBS News December 2015 Battleground Tracker, New Hampshire

CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker, New Hampshire: Dec. 14-17, 2015
The CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker is a panel study based on interviews conducted on the internet of registered voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. The poll was conducted by YouGov, an online polling organization.

CBS News 2016 Battleground TrackerNew Hampshire Sample 1091 Registered VotersConducted December 14-17, 2015 Margin of Error ±5.7%

1. Do you feel America is generally becoming a safer and more secure country, or a moredangerous and insecure country? More dangerous and insecure 70%

2. Do you feel the American economy is moving more toward a system that benefits you, or more toward a system that makes things harder for you? Makes things harder for you 69%

6. Which candidate are you most likely to vote for in the New Hampshire

GOP Favor Donald Trump  32%
Democrats Bernie Sanders 56%

One thought on “New CBS 2016 Battleground Tracker , New Hampshire puts Sanders and Trump on top

  1. Hilary is being hyped by the media. Every Dem I know prefers the Bern!

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