the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Washington DC, U.S. Representative for New Jersey’s 7th congressional district, Democrat Tom Malinowski’s disregard for the law fits right in with his party’s reckless, anti-law enforcement message in Congress.
Tom Malinowski will face a judge for “driving on a suspended license.”
During the viral video of the traffic stop, Malinowski tried to shift the blame from himself on others, which is much like how he acts in DC. The officer was having none of it and called Malinowski out on his lie correcting Tom that “there was nobody in front of you or behind you.”
Remember: Lying to the police is another crime, Tom!
Defunding the police is now personal for Tom Malinowski now that they’ve caught him playing by a different set of rules.
Big deal
Criminals like to stick together.
some animals are more equal than others
Probably an administrative SNAFU. Could happen to anyone now that everyone in the municipal court system is working from home and the DMV is overworked.
Come on. Everybody knows rules and laws are for the masses, and do not apply to the ruling class.
Rules don’t apply to Democrats in this state. Right Mr Menendez?
This is small time. No biggie. Pay the fine and move on. There’s more dangerous people to worry about, worry about the drug dealers, and rapists
He was on his way to pick up Pelosi from her salon appointment. LOL.
Yoga stretch “ fits right in with his party’s reckless, anti-law enforcement message in Congress.”
in NJ you can do time for driving with a suspending license , depending what is suspended for