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New Jersey gets $9 million in federal funds for improving schools

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New Jersey gets $9 million in federal funds for improving schools

Poorly performing public schools in New Jersey can apply for part of $9 million in federal “turn around” money awarded to the state on Thursday.

In all, nine states will receive more than $71 million in School Improvement Grants, the federal education department announced. It is the third round of funding for the program, which began in 2010.

School districts must apply by April 1 for the money, which can be used for such things as staff changes, teacher training, technology and curriculum improvements.

About 20 schools in urban New Jersey have participated in the program including Schools 4 and 10 in Paterson, which have each received about $6 million, according to the state education department’s website.

Paterson will apply on behalf of two other schools this go around, said Terry Corallo, spokeswoman for the district. She declined to say which schools. (Alex/The Record)

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