the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton NJ, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is facing criticism for allegedly utilizing taxpayer resources to promote his wife, Tammy Murphy, as she campaigns for a U.S. Senate seat. Critics argue that the governor’s press office has released favorable press releases about Tammy Murphy, leveraging her role as first lady.
The releases highlight her involvement in various policy issues, such as maternal health and the Doula Access Bill. Some have accused Governor Murphy of inappropriately using public resources to support his wife’s campaign. Tammy Murphy faces a contested Democratic primary against Congressman Andy Kim and possibly Senator Robert Menendez.
Garden State Republicans have raised concerns about the situation, likening it to past accusations against President Bill Clinton using his office to aid Hillary Clinton’s Senate bid. Governor Murphy’s office defended the promotion, emphasizing Tammy Murphy’s work on policy issues, particularly maternal health, and her longstanding priorities. Tammy Murphy has incorporated maternal health into her Senate campaign message, launching a “Moms for Murphy” team.
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she’s also got quite a set……… of choppers
Vapid and vacuous.
I’d watch the skies for stray houses blowing about if I were those two.
There you have it…post of the day !