the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Anyone can prepare a New Jersey and National Register application. Applications are typically prepared by individuals, cultural or historical organizations, government agencies, and professional consultants. Completed applications are submitted to the Historic Preservation Office where a staff member reviews and evaluates them for eligibility, technical completeness, and substantive sufficiency. Property owners and county and local officials are notified and given an opportunity to comment, and a public meeting is held for large historic districts.
Applications are then presented to the New Jersey State Review Board for Historic Sites(See meeting schedule at left), which is made up of professionals in the fields of architecture, history, architectural history, archaeology, and landscape architecture. If passed by the State Review Board, the application is prepared for the SHPO’s signature. Once signed by the SHPO, the property is listed in the New Jersey Register and simultaneously recommended for the National Register. The nomination is then sent to Washington for consideration for the National Register.
Peggy Norris reported in the Friends of Schedler group ,”Today the State Historic Preservation Review Board met in Trenton and approved the nomination of the John A. L. Zabriskie house (the Zabriskie-Schedler house) for the state and national registers–a significant step toward being added the the National Register of Historic Places. Margareckey, of Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects, made a great presentation and further announced that the archaeological review just completed showed that the site is of significant archaeological interest as a Revolutionary War site. Many, many people have contributed their knowledge, their voices, their passion to reach this point. Most especially we recognize Isabella Altano, but also (from the earliest days) Chris Peters, then photographer for the Ridgewood News, Ellie Gruber, Phil Dolce, Susan Knudsen, and Eric Holterman, of HMR Architects. Everyone in the neighborhood who worked to save the property and then to save the house deserves a round of applause. I don’t know everyone’s name, but thank you to all.”
Zabriskie-Schedler House and Schedler Property-Park
what a charade….the house is decrepit.
What a joke and waste of money. That place is disgusting.
How much material needs to be ripped out of the Schedler structure and replaced to before it can reasonably be said to be rehabilitated? 80 percent? More?
All this nonsense simply to add a further hurdle to discourage developing seven valuable acres in Ridgewood. 200 year old Dutch homes are a dime a dozen in Bergen County. This one isn’t even a nice example. Charade is right.
If they don’t hurry, the house is going to self-destruct. It is in terrible condition and looks worse every day. The town is going to have to reconstruct every inch so when it is finally finished, after probably multi hundred thousand spent, there will be little or nothing left of the original construction. The whole concept, sans the house, is a good one–but not on the highway where cars can run off the road and possibly hit a kid.
Sorry bud youll have to put your high density housing somewhere eles ,try Paterson