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New Pew poll: Even Democrats Don’t Trust the Government

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, a new Pew poll shows public trust in politicians is near an all-time low. Only one in four Americans “trust that the government will do what is right” most of the time. This trust meter is at or below the level of any time since the 1950s. Americans are less trusting of the political class today that at the height of Watergate when Tricky Dick occupied the White House.

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Amazingly, even Democrats have low regard for the government. Only three of 10 Democrat voters have confidence in government.  Why they keep voting to expand it is one of life’s greatest mysteries.

Public Trust in Government: 1958-2022

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One thought on “New Pew poll: Even Democrats Don’t Trust the Government

  1. Eventually, the monster you created will come after you…..

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