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NJ State Senatorial Candidate David Winkler Promotes Re-Opening New Jersey

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Kenilworth NJ , NJ State Senatorial Candidate David Winkler spoke at the Re-Open New Jersey event at  Ava’s Kitchen & Bar:

“I was deeply honored to speak to the NJ small businesses suffering from the unconstitutional emergency orders from the Gov of New Jersey. Ava’s Kitchen & Bar held a seminar that teaches businesses to change from public to Private Membership to stop the Government from abusing it’s authority with fines, revocation of licensing & allowing Restaurants to open at 100% capacity.
We must understand the limits of our state constitutions & realize our power as individual citizens as well. We as citizens are subject to the Common Law & the Law of the land. The Government strictly only has power over the public domain not private sector .”
Winkler is also promoting a recall process to remove Gov Murphy from office saying in mid December ,” The attacks on small businesses must end & we must re open New Jersey now. 1/3 of our businesses have gone under & we are rapidly approaching 2/3 of businesses that may never return. We have many families on the verge of eviction, families who are starving, many who have lost their careers, & more. These leaders must understand that they are accountable to the people & We The People are tired of those who are in politics for money, power, & greed.”

One thought on “NJ State Senatorial Candidate David Winkler Promotes Re-Opening New Jersey

  1. about time

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