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NJ TRANSIT POLICE Introduces the newest NJTPD K9s!

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photos courtesy on NJ TRANSIT POLICE

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, NJ TRANSIT POLICE Introduces the newest NJTPD K9s! These excited dogs have begun extensive training and will be protecting you soon.

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In the first photo: K9 Huczko! He’s a German Shephard and will be partnered with K9 Officer Saab. K9 Huczko was named after fallen Port Authority Police Officer Stephen Huczko. On September 11th, 2001, Officer Huczko paid the ultimate sacrifice while rescuing others inside the World Trade Center.

In the following photo: K9 Mazz! He’s also a German Shephard and will be keeping you safe along with his partner, K9 Officer Joos. K9 Mazz was named after fallen Port Authority Police Captain Kathy Mazza. On September 11th, 2001, Captain Mazza rushed to the World Trade Center and helped to save countless lives. She paid the ultimate sacrifice and was one of the highest-ranking women in the PAPD.

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