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Anyone interested in running to serve on the Ridgewood Board of Education?


May 17,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Anyone interested in running to serve on the Ridgewood Board of Education? Currently the school budget is over $110 million and makes up the majority of the Village of Ridgewood’s property taxes.

Last contested Ridgewood School Board election was in 2012.

If you are considering serving on your school board, take advantage of NJSBA’s online briefings that provide details about the responsibilities of serving on a local board of education. NJSBA’s online briefings include three videos that address leadership, legal issues, and the role of a board member. Candidates can also listen to a recorded online radio broadcast, “What Board Members Need to Know When They’re Elected.”

July 30  4 p.m. is the deadline for candidates to file nominating petitions with the county clerk.

Nov 6 Annual School Election NOTE: Board members must undergo criminal history record checks through the New Jersey Department of Education within 30 days of election or appointment.

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Reader says All these comments on the Village Council and spending or saving money but not a word about the BOE


All these comments on the Village Council and spending or saving money but not a word about the BOE. Remember 2/3 of your tax bill goes to them. I saw were a few post on the BOE budget. Nothing about the members of the BOED . They spend our money and run unopposed. I don’t understand it.